The 7th Battalion Confederate Cavalry - Virginia
The following file contains the records of 426 men. This is only about half of those presumed to have served.
Compiled Service Records - Introduction to the Compiled Service Records
7th Battalion Confederate Cavalry
The compiled service records for the soldiers who served in the 7th Battalion Confederate Cavalry have been primarily been taken from Record Group 109, located at the National Archives, Washington, D.C. The roster has been supplemented from other official and unofficial sources, including but not limited to family histories, county histories, cemetery records, The Confederate Veteran, county records and pension application files at the Virginia State Library, Richmond and in the Kentucky Department of Libraries and Archives in Frankfort, Kentucky.
Since muster rolls for the 7th battalion do not exist, supplemental sources were crucial in determining the listing of the battalions' soldiers. These records are obviously not entirely accurate, but add valuable data to the roster. Spellings found in these various sources are not consistent. Every effort has been made to include everyone who should be listed, and to avoid duplications; however, this effort may not have been entirely successful.
Discrepancies are found in even the official compiled service records. These problems arise from several contemporary organizational problems. Communications were not always efficient. It is entirely possible that a soldier was listed as being AWOL when, in fact,he had been captured, was wounded in the hospital, was sick, or was on detached service somewhere away from the main body of the regiment.
Highlights of each soldier's career are presented to include date and place of enlistment, periods of sickness, wounds, death, capture, incarceration, and physical description. Prewar and postwar residences when known, birth and death dates, and place of burial have also been included. Unless otherwise stated, assume that a soldier was present through the last date given.
Abbreviations Used In the CSR
AWOL Absent without leave B. Born Cem. Cemetery D. Died DFR Dropped from the Roll disch Discharged Hosp Hospitalized KIA Killed in Action NFR No further record. POW Captured/Prisoner of War Pres. Present PWR Post War Roster or Record Res. Resident rlsd released WIA Wounded in Action
ADAMS, JESSE B.: Co. _. Previously served in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Louisville, KY then to Camp Chase, OH on 4/19/63. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 5/13/63. 5'4", age 16, hazel eyes, sandy hair, fair comp.
ADAMS, JOHN D.: Co. _. Previously served in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Louisville, KY then to Camp Chase, OH on 4/19/63. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 5/13/63, 5'10", age 20, blue eyes, dark hair, dark comp.
ADAMS, JOHN: Co. A, Taken POW in Pike Co., KY on 6/24/63, sent to Camp Douglas where held until transferred to Point Lookout. Exchanged on 3/2/65.
ADDINGTON, JAMES HENDERSON: Co. H, 64th VA Inf. UDC application only reference. B. 9/25/1844. Likely to have really served in the 7th Bn. CSA Cav. Witnesses Ed Hubbard's pension application in 1913, then age 70, and had served in Co. A, 7th Battn. CSA Cav.
ADDINGTON, JAMES K: Co. A. Previously serrved in Co. C, French's Battn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Louisville, KY then to Camp Chase, OH on 4/19/63. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 5/13/63. 5'6", age 18, blue eyes, light hair, fair comp. Age 15, 1860 Wise Co. Census.
ADDINGTON, THOMAS J.: Co. B. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA. Age 13, 1860 Wise County Census.
ADKINS, CHARLES: Co. F, Enl. on ?. Paroled at Charleston, WV on 5/10/65, then age 20, 5'6", fair comp., blue eyes, light hair, farmer.
DKINS, HENRY: Co. _. Previously served in Co. B, French's Battn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Louisville, KY then to Camp Chase, OH on 4/19/63. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 5/13/63. 5'11", age 38, grey eyes, black hair, dark comp. Age 33, farmer, 1860 Wise Co. Census.
ADKINS, HENRY: Co. _, Deserted. Enl. U.S. Army 4/1/64. Res. of Lawrence Co., Ky. Fair comp., light hair, blue eyes, 5'10«". Previously served in the 4th VSL and in Co. B, French's Bn. VA Inf., in which unit he was taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Camp Chase, OH where held until exchanged on 5/13/63.
ADKINS, LARKIN: Co. _, Taken POW in Lawrence Co., Ky. Took oath on 4/1/64. Res. "Late Wise Co., Va. now Lawrence Co., Ky." dark comp., black hair, black eyes, 5'9". "The character of a loyal man, did not serve but a short time in the C.S.A." Previously served in the VSL.
ADKINS, WILLIAM P.: 1st Sgt., Co. G, Previously served in Co. B, 5th KY Inf. Res. of Morgan Co., KY. Took the oath of allegiance at Louisa, KY in 4/1865. B. 11/10/1842 in Morgan Co., KY. Living in Greenup Co., KY in 1912, when granted pension. Witnessed Hiram Davis' pension application in Morgan Co., KY in 1919.
AKERS, J. A.: Capt., Co. C.
AKERS, J. S.: Co. C, En. in Russell Co. in "fall of 1864". Claimed to have been discharged on 4/25/65 (disbaned between Christiansburg and Salem, VA) on his 1902 Scott Co., VA pension application.
ALLEN, HENLY HELM: Co. G. Mentioned in Booker Short's pension application.
ARTRIP, JAMES: VSL unit unk. PRSWVA - p. 6. reported to have been a Capt. in 7th CSA Cav. Bn. under Clarence Prentice and was at the Battle of Cranesnest. Many Prentice's soldiers served in the VSL.?? B. 1837 D. 1919 in Russell Co., VA. Age 19, farmer, 1860 Wise Co. Census. B. 1/1838, farmer, 1900 Dickenson Co., VA Census. On 1909 Dickenson Co., VA Pension List.
ARTRIP, JOHN: VSL unit unk. PRSWVA p.-7 reported to have been killed in the Civil War.
ASHBY, LOGE: Co. H. Mentioned as a comrade in the pension application of Elihu Skeens filed in Buchanan Co.
AUXIER, JOHN M.: Co. G (Associate Member), Member of Fields' Company Kentucky Partisan Rangers, from Carter Co., KY was taken POW on 10/11/1863 in Greenup Co.
BACK, LEWIS C.: Co. K. Mentioned in Preston L. Stidham's pension application in 1912.
BAILEY, CORNELIUS: Co. _. Previously served in French's Battn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Louisville, KY then to Camp Chase, OH on 4/19/63. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 5/13/63. 5'6", age 26, grey eyes, brown hair, fair comp., res. Putnam Co., WV. Enl. in 11/1862, unit unknown. Taken POW 12/25/1862 sent to Camp Chase and released 3/27/1863.
BAKER, KEEL: Co. B. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA.
BAKER, RICHARD: Co. B. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY, 5'9", age 17, grey eyes, sandy comp., dark hair. Sent to Johnson's Island 6/14/63, moved to Point Lookout 11/30/63. Released 4/12/64.
BALDWIN, G.? N.: Co. I?. En.. in 3/1863 in Scott Co. Age 62 in 1902 when he filed pension application in Scott Co., VA.
BALDWIN, JAMES NOAH: Co. I. Died on 3/17/1911 in Scott Co., VA. Filed pension application for benefits under act of 1902 in Scott Co.
BALDWIN, L H.: Co. I. Enl. in 1864. Age 55 when he filed pension application in 1902. Witnessed Harvey Hamtilon's pension application in 1912.
BALDWIN, LILBURN H.: Co. D. Died on 6/3/1923 in Dungannon, VA. Filed pension application for benefits under act of 1902.
BANNER, CHARLES H.: Orderly Sgt., Co. B. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA. Age 31, farmer, 1860 Wise Co. Census.
BAPTIST, RICHARD H.: Co. ?. Later served in 7th Bn. CSA Cav. See Virginia Miscellaneous. Also served in the Virginia State Line.
BARTEE, JAMES: Co. ?. Mentioned in George W. Hicks' pension application.
BATES, HENRY C.: Co. A. Previously served in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Louisville, KY then to Camp Chase, OH on 4/19/63. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 5/13/63, age 18, 5'10", hazel eyes, brown hair, dark comp.
BATES, MARTIN VAN BUREN "BABY": 1st Lt., Co. A. See personal papers of. Resigned 7/19/64 in a letter datelined Gladeville, VA. Prentice endorsed it due to the man's "extraordinary size" then described as 7' and weighing 350 lbs. He was associated with Menifee pre-State Line according to local Pike Co., KY folklore. He was honorably discharged in the summer of 1864 because no horse could be found to support him. He was 7'4" and weighed over 400 lbs. He joined the circus after his stint in the CS Army and married a Dutch giant (7'3") and is listed in the Guiness Book of Worlds Records as the world's tallest married couple. He also served as 1st Lt. in Co. A, French's Bn. VA Inf. He was taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, 6'10", age 25, hazel eyes, dark hair, fallow comp. according to parole. Native of Letcher Co., KY. Later served as 1st Lt., Co. A, 7th Bn. CSA Cav. Resigned 7/19/64 in a letter datelined Gladeville, VA. Prentice endorsed it due to the man's "extraordinary size" then described as 7' and weighing 350 lbs.
BATES, ROBERT: Capt., Co. A. Dropped by S.O. 70/6, dated 3/225/65 for prolonged AWOL. He had signed forage requests as Major commanding battn. on 11/8/63 and as Capt. commanding Battn. on 5/7/64. Previously served in the VSL and as Capt. Co. A, French's Bn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Camp Chase, OH, Exch. at City Point, VA on 5/13/63. 5'9", age 38, hazel eyes, brown hair, sandy comp. Later served in the 7th CSA Cav. Bn. Bro. of Martin VanBuren Bates. Native of Letcher Co., KY. Regionally known postwar as the father of Knott Co., KY. D, 9/25/1921 in Letcher Co., KY. Widow, Elizabeth B. pensioned in Letcher Co. in 1942.
BERRY, HANSFORD: Co. I. Mentioned as a comrade by Thomas J. McConnell in his Tennessee Civil War Veterans Questionaire.
BERRY, MARTIN A.: Co. I, Capt.
BERRY, MILTON TAYLOR: Co. I., Enl. in 6/63 and served until disbaned at Salem, VA according to his pension record. Took oath at Estilville, VA in 7/65. B. 11/21/1846 in Scott Co., VA. Mentioned as a comrade by Thomas J. McConnell in his Tennessee Civil War Veterans Questionaire. Mentioned in Z. P. Carter's pension application. Granted pension in Letcher Co., KY in 1912.
BERRY, WILLIAM W.: Co. I, Enl. "on Stoney Creek and served three years." Discharged at surrender. Age 88 in 1907. Filed pension application for benefits under act of 1902.
BEVERELY, JOHN: Co. D, Found on a 3/4/65 list of conscripts identified as members of the 7th Battn. CSA Cav. found in the Guerrant Family Papers. Res. of Wise Co.
BEVINS, JOHN J.: Co. _. Previously served in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Louisville, KY then to Camp Chase, OH on 4/19/63. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 5/13/63, age 23, 5'11", hazel eyes, brown hair, dark comp.
BICKLEY, H. A.: Co. E. Found on a 3/4/65 list of conscripts identified as members of the 7th Battn. CSA Cav. found in the Guerrant Family Papers. Res. of Wise County.
BICKLEY, JOHN FLETCHER: Co. _. Previously served as Sgt. in Co. K, 48th VA Inf., where he enl. on 6/25/61. WIA in arm and taken POW at Cedar Run, sent to Fort Monroe, exchanged. Discharged for disability on 10/7/62, vor varicose veins left leg and rheumatism. Described as 5'9", light comp., blue eyes, dark hair. Age 25, 1860 Russell Co., VA Census. Living in Yuba City, CA in 1910.
BOGGS, JAMES M.: Sgt., Co. A. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA. Taken POW at Gladeville, VA on 7/7/63, sent to Camp Chase, OH then to Camp Douglas, IL where he died on 10/2/64 of smallpox. Age 22, farmer, 1860 Wise Co. Census.
BOGGS, JAMES M.: Sgt., Co. A, Taken POW at Gladeville, VA on 7/7/63, sent to Camp Chase, Ohio then to Camp Douglas, Ill. where he died on 10/2/64 of smallpox.
BOGGS, JOSEPH: Co. A. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA. Taken POW at Gladeville, VA on 7/7/63, sent to Camp Chase, OH then to Camp Douglas, IL on 8/24/63 and held there until he died on 2/26/65. Buried in grave 862, block 3, Chicago City Cem. Age 25, farmer, 1860 Wise Co., Census.
BOLIN, JESSE: Co. A, Taken POW at Gladeville, VA on 7/7/63, sent to Camp Chase, Ohio then to Camp Douglas, Ill. on 8/24/63 held there until transferred to Point Lookout, Maryland. Exchanged on 3/2/65. Claimed to have been loyal, joined under false pretenses, wanted to take the oath of allegiance. Family tradition says he came home on crutches. D. 1904 "still hating the renegade bands that came from Whitesburg and Eastern Kentucky."
BOLIN, LEVI: Co. A, Taken POW at Gladeville, VA on 7/7/63, sent to Camp Chase, Ohio then to Camp Douglas, Ill. on 8/24/63 held there until transferred to Point Lookout, Maryland. Exchanged on 3/2/65.
BOLLING, BAXTER: Co. B. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA.
BOLLING, DELANO (DILANEY): 2nd Lt., Co. D, 5th VSL. Service confirmed by deposition found in lawsuit filed by John Dils against Henry May in Pike Co., KY in 1866. Later served in Co. A, French's Bn. VA Inf. and in Co. B, 7th CSA Cav. Bn. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA. Age 56, farmer, 1860 Wise Co., Census.
BOLLING, JESSE: Co. A. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA. Taken POW at Gladeville, VA on 7/7/63, sent to Camp Chase, OH then to Camp Douglas, IL on 8/24/63 held there until transf. to Point Lookout, MD. Exchanged on 3/2/65. Claimed to have been loyal, joined under false pretenses, wanted to take the oath of allegiance. Family tradition says he came home on crutches. D. 1904 "still hating the renegade bands that came from Whitesburg and Eastern Kentucky." Age 34, farmer, 1860 Wise Co., Census.
BOLLING, LEVI: Co. A. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA. Taken POW at Gladeville, VA on 7/7/63, sent to Camp Chase, OH then to Camp Douglas, IL on 8/24/63 held there until transf. to Point Lookout, MD. Exchanged on 3/2/65. Age 15, 1860 Wise Co. Census.
BOLLING, WASHINGTON: Co. B. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA. Age 19, farm hand 1860 Wise Co. Census.
BOND, GEORGE WASHINGTON: 2nd Lt., Co. _. Previously served in Co. B, French's Battn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Louisville, KY then to Camp Chase, OH on 4/19/63. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 5/13/63, age 21, 6'2", grey eyes, black hair, dark comp.
BOND, ISAAC M.: 1st Lt., Co. B. Previously served in Co. D, French's Battn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Louisville, KY then to Camp Chase, OH on 4/19/63. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 5/13/63, age 22, 6'1", blue eyes, light hair, light comp. Age 19, farm hand, 1860 Wise Co. Census.
BOND, JOHN H.: Co. B. Previoously served in Co. D, French's Battn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Louisville, KY then to Camp Chase, OH on 4/19/63. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 5/13/63, age 44, 5'6", blue eyes, light hair, fair comp. He had served in Co. F, 29th VA Inf. Age 35, farmer, 1860 Wise Co. Census.
BRANHAM, JOHN C.: Co. _. Perviously served in Co. C or A, French's Battn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Louisville, KY then to Camp Chase, OH on 4/19/63. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 5/13/63. 5'8", age 45, blue eyes, dark hair. light comp.
BRANHAM, JOSEPH: Co. E, Enl. 7/12/63. Served until unit disbanded near Osborne's Ford, Scott Co., VA. B. 6/5/1845 in Wise Co., VA. Granted pension in 1912 in Johnson Co., KY. Pension application witnessed by Harry Dollarhide and H. P. Meade.
BRANHAM, RICHARD: Co. C, Enl. in 1863. B. 2/5/1847 in Dickenson Co., VA. Affiant James B. Bryant stated that Richard Branham, Booker Elkins Casebolt, John W. Castle and Saml. Ratliff enlisted in 1863 and served until disbanded. Pensioned in Pike Co., KY in 1912.
BRANHAM, TANDY: Co. B. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA. Age 30, farmer, 1860 Wise Co., Census.
BREEDING, JAMES: Co. _, 2nd VSL. He later served in the 7th CSA Cav. Bn. and was KIA in 1864 by some of Burbridge's men extricating themselves from VA after the Battle of Saltville, per to account of David C. Wright, p. 448, PRSWVA.
BRIANS, HENRY C.: Co. B. Previously served in Co. D, French's Battn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Louisville, KY then to Camp Chase, OH on 4/19/63. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 5/13/63. 5'10" age 32, dark eyes, dark hair, dark comp.
BRICKEY, JAMES: Co. I. Mentioned as a comrade by Thomas J. McConnell in his Tennessee Civil War Veterans Questionaire.
BRICKEY, PETER J.: Co. I. Enl. in Scott Co. "Eight months before surrender" per 1902 pension application. Age 60 in 1908. Res. of Scott Co.
BRIGHT, JOHN W.: Co. D. Enl. "in Scott Co. 9-10 months before surrender" per 1906 pension application. Then living in Scott Co., age 61.
BROOKS, THOMAS: Co. H. Reported on Louisville Miliatry Prison Register No. 3, dated 9/15/64 as a rebel deserter.
BROWN, FRANCIS A.: Co. G (Associate Member), Resident of Morgan Co., KY.
BRUCE, E. B.: Co. ?. Found on a 3/4/65 list of conscripts identified as members of the 7th Battn. CSA Cav. found in the Guerrant Family Papers. Res. of Bland Co.
BRUCE, J. H.: Co. E. Found on a 3/4/65 list of conscripts identified as members of the 7th Battn. CSA Cav. found in the Guerrant Family Papers. Res. of Wise County.
BRUCE, M.: Co. E. Found on a 3/4/65 list of conscripts identified as members of the 7th Battn. CSA Cav. found in the Guerrant Family Papers. Res. of Wise County.
BRYANT, JAMES B.: Co. A, Enl. in 1862. Served until the surrender. B. 1840 in Wise Co., VA. Pensioned in Pike Co., KY in 1912. Hiram Casebolt stated that Bryant was present at disbandment at Roanoke, VA. Samuel Ratliff and Jacob Sanders witnessed his pension application.
BUCHANAN J.: Co. E. Found on a 3/4/65 list of conscripts identified as members of the 7th Battn. CSA Cav. found in the Guerrant Family Papers. Res. of Wise County.
BUCHANAN, MORGAN K.: Co. D. UDC Cross of Honor Files indicate that he served in Co. D, 7th Battn. VA Inf. and was from Wise Co. Since this is inconsitent with known facts, it seems likely he should be placed here.
BUMGARDNER, WILLIAM: Co. G, Res. of Morgan Co., KY. Killed on 5/6/1865 in Carter (now Elliott) County.
BURCHETT, LEONARD: Co. G (Associate Member), A member of Fields' Company Kentucky Partisan Rangers from Johnson Co., KY.
BURK, _______: Capt., Co. ?. KIA at Morristown, TN. in 1864.
CANTRELL, ABRAHAM C.: Co. B. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA. He was taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Camp Chase, OH, 5'10" age 26, blue eyes, light hair, light comp., paroled and Exch. Taken POW at Gladeville, VA on 7/7/63, sent to Camp Chase, OH then to Camp Douglas, IL on 8/24/63, but he has no record of release or death. Age 24, farmer, 1860 Wise Co., Census.
CANTRELL, ABRAHAM: Co. A, Taken POW at Gladeville, VA on 7/7/63, sent to Camp Chase, Ohio then to Camp Douglas, Ill. on 8/24/63, but he has no record of release or death.
CANTRELL, HIRAM: Co. C, Enl. on ?. Wounded by Union soldiers while returning home on furlough in 1865. Wasn't able to rejoin command before the surrender. Took oath at Louisa, KY. B. 3/27/1836 in Pike Co., KY. Pensioned in Pike Co., KY in 1912. D. 3/8/1916 in Pike Co., VA.
CANTRELL, JAMES: Co. ?. Listed on Louisville Military Prison Register #3 as having taken the oath of allegiance in 5/1864. Res. of Wise Co., VA.
CANTRELL, JOHN: Sgt., Co. A. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA. Taken POW at Gladeville, VA on 7/7/63, sent to Camp Chase, OH then to Camp Douglas, IL on 8/24/63, but he has no record of release or death. Age 54, millwright, 1860 Wise Co. Census. Father of Caleb and William.
CANTRELL, JOHN: Sgt., Co. A, Taken POW at Gladeville, VA on 7/7/63, sent to Camp Chase, Ohio then to Camp Douglas, Ill. on 8/24/63, but he has no record of release or death.
CANTRELL, REUBEN: Co. ?. Previously served in the VSL, and in Co. A or Co. C, French's Bn. VA Inf. He was taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Camp Chase, OH, 5'11", age 28 blue eyes, brown hair, dark comp. Paroled and Exch. Age 26, farmer, worth $200, native of VA 1860 Pike Co., KY Census.
CANTRELL, SHERWOOD: Co. A. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA. Taken POW at Gladeville, VA on 7/7/63, sent to Camp Chase, OH then to Camp Douglas, IL on 8/24/63, but he has no record of release, but was in Wayside Hosp., Farmville, VA on 3/15/65. Age 22, laborer, worth $25, 1860 Pike Co. Census, native of KY.
CANTRELL, WILLIAM: Co. B. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. PWR of James H. Long, p. 210, PRSWVA. He was taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Camp Chase, OH. 5'4" age 16, dark eyes, light hair, fair comp. Paroled and Exch. Age 13, 1860 Wise Co. Census.
CARROLL, SOLOMON: Co. G, Res. of Carter Co., KY. "Notorious Guerrilla."
CARTER, GRANVILLE C.: Co. B. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA. Age 31, farmer, 1860 Wise Co. Census. He served in Co. H, 64th VA Inf. per UDC application, probably only served in Co. B or H, 7th Bn. CSA Cav.
CARTER, JAMES: Co. G, Participated in the Paintsville raid in 1864. Formerly served in Fields' Company Kentucky Partisan Rangers and Johnson's 2nd Battalion Kentucky Mounted Rifles.
CARTER, MILTON LADD: Capt., Co. I. Previously served in the VSL and as 2nd Lt. in Co. C, 48th VA Inf., where he enl. in 5/61 in Scott Co. Resigned on 2/13/62. Res. of Scott Co., VA. Age 35, farmer, 1860 Scott Co. Census. Claimed to have been major in the 7th Battalion.
CARTER, Z. P.: Co. I., Enl. "in 1863 at Mendota, VA" and served 12 months to surrender. Filed pension application in 1905, age 56, he was born at Rye Cove, Scott Co., VA. Living at Surgoinsville, TN in 1920, completed Tennessee Civil War Veterans Questionnaire. Mentioned as a comrade by Thomas J. McConnell in his Tennessee Civil War Veterans Questionaire.
CASE, JAMES: Co. _. Previously served in Co. D/C, French's Battn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Louisville, KY then to Camp Chase, OH on 4/19/63. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 5/13/63.
CASE, JASPER: Co. _. Previously served in Co. B, French's Battn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Louisville, KY then to Camp Chase, OH on 4/19/63. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 5/13/63. 5'8" age 18, blue eyes, light hair, fair comp.
CASEBOLT, HIRAM: Co. C, Enl. in 1863. Previously served in the 5th KY Inf. Was present at disbandment in Roanoke, VA. B. 1842 in Buchanan Co., VA. Age 19, 1860 Pike Co., KY Census. Lived on Shelby Creek. Pensioned in Pike Co., KY in 1912. D. 8/24/1916 in Pike Co., KY. Widow, Roda M. pensioned in Pike Co.
CASSELL, JOHN: Co. I. Transferred from Co. D, 10th KY Cav. per roster of that unit. He enl. on 6/1/63 in Pike Co., KY in the 10th KY. Found on a 3/4/65 list of conscripts identified as members of the 7th Battn. CSA Cav. found in the Guerrant Family Papers. Co. I. Mentioned in Z. P. Carter's pension application.
CASTLE, JOHN W.: Co. C. Mentioned by James B. Bryant who stated that Richard Branham, Booker Elkins Casebolt, John W. Castle and Saml. Ratliff enlisted in 1863 and served until disbanded. Witnessed Booker Elikins' pension application in Pike Co. in 1912.
CHANEY, WILLIAM A.: Capt., Co. F. Taken POW on 5/17/64 at Louisa, Ky., but NFR. Previously served in the VSL.
CHAPMAN, RYBURN: Co. G, Res. of Lawrence Co., KY. Perhaps killed on 4/12/1865.
CHASE, JOHN P.: Capt., Co. E. Previously served as Capt. Co. C, 4th VSL. On T. E. Davis' list of VSL Officers dated 2/28/63. Service confirmed by deposition found in lawsuit filed by John Dils against Henry May in Pike Co., KY in 1866. Went on Menifee's first Piketon raid, when he claimed to have been "acting commissary sergeant." Some of the goods looted from John Dils Piketon store ended up in Chase's store in Wise Co., VA. Chase was B. ca. 1833 in TN, moved to Wise Co., VA ca. 1853 and became the only merchant in the area. He was a lawyer in Wise Co., VA postwar and this company came from that area. He served as a captain in the Wise Co., Militia before the war (PRSWVA p. 113) Chase was one of the so called enemies of Menifee. Just before Menifee killed Sam Newberry, the Col. spent the night with Chase with intentions of killing Chase as well. Chase was ill and Menifee thought he was on his death bed, and did not need the trouble for a man he considered as good as dead. Menifee spared Chase who recovered. As Capt., Co. E, 7th Bn. CSA Cav. Resigned on 10/25/64, accepted by S.O. 254, due to being elected Commissioner of Revenue for Wise County. Listed as age 26, merchant, 1860 Wise Co. Census. (See personal papers of, NARA.)
CHILDRESS, JOHN WESLEY: Co. C, Enl. in 1862. Surrendered at Louisa, KY in 1865. B. 1/9/1842. D. 1898 in Pike Co. Widow, Elida pensioned in Pike Co., KY in 1912.
CHURCH, EMANUEL: Co. _, Dstd. in Wise Co., VA. Took Oath at Louisa, KY. Res. of Wise Co., VA, dark comp., hazel eyes, grey eyes, 5'10." Previously served in the VSL.
CHURCH, JOSEPH: 2nd Lt., Co. A. Dropped by S.O. 70/6, dated 3/25/65 for prolonged AWOL. Previously served in the VSL.
CLAY, GEORGE H.: Co. G. Filed for pension in Russell Co., VA. Died on 3/4/1904.
COCK, GEORGE: Co. G, Res. Morgan Co., KY. Deserter from Co. M 10th KY Cavalry.
COLLIER, STEPHEN: Co. K. B. ca. 1847. Mentioned in Ed Hubbard's pension application. Witnessed Sarah McFarland's pension application in 1914, then age 67. Res. of Wise Co., VA.
COMBS, DONALD: Co. I. Mentioned as a comrade by Thomas J. McConnell in his Tennessee Civil War Veterans Questionaire.
OMBS, H. D.: Co. G. Witnessed Booker Short's pension application in 1912.
COMBS, SHADERACK: Co. G, Res. of Breathitt Co., KY. Deserter from Co. M, 10th Kentucky Cavalry. Previously served in Fields' Company Kentucky Partisan Rangers.
COOK, ALGERNON SIDNEY: Capt., Co. G, Res. of Carter Co., KY. Killed by Cleve Boyd at Castlewoods, Russell Co. VA. The scourge of northeastern Kentucky during the Civil War, Captain Sid Cook was born in Russell County, Virginia circa 1832. The notorious guerrilla was in reality, Algernon Sidney Lee, the son of Martin and Fanny Lee. Changing his name to Cook, he married Nancy Fraley in Russell County on November 20, 1857. His 26 year old bride was the daughter of Henry and Mary Fraley. Cook later settled in eastern Kentucky and by 1860 was residing in Boyd County. In addition to a son, Fletcher, was born about 1857 and a daughter Elizabeth was born in 1859. Cook's household also included two stepchildren, Rufus B. born circa 1849 and Louis born about 1854. Following the outbreak of the Civil War, he moved his family to Carter County. A brave but absolutely ruthless leader, Cook organized a company of Confederate Cavalry in the spring of 1863. His command was recruited primarily in present day Elliott and Morgan Counties but rarely operated with the main Confederate Army. Dave Cook, the captain's brother (born about 1845), served as second in command. The younger Cook earned an equally desperate reputation. despite his youth. Together they terrorized the region between the Licking and the Ohio Rivers. The Cooks frequently joined forces with other noted partisans, including John T. Williams and Captain Samuel W. Thompson. Between April and October in 1863, the Cooks raided Star Furnace (Carter County), Poplar Plains, Flemingsburg, Pennsylvania Furnace (Greenup County), Olive Hill and Morehead, Kentucky. On or about April 9, 1863, Dave Cook, Travis Kendall and others clashed with Home Guards near Grayson. Nathaniel Marks, a member of Fields' Rangers, who frequently rode with the Cooks killed Joseph Young during the fighting. He was later captured and hanged at Louisville for the deed. Briefly during the summer of 1863, Cook's company was attached to Lieutenant Colonel Oliver A. Patton's Partisan Rangers Battalion. After Patton was captured his command fell apart and Cook joined the 7th Confederate Cavalry Battalion. The 7th, led by Lieutenant Colonel Clarence J. Prentice, was based at Pound Gap, Virginia. Cook, who continued to serve on detached duty, raided Paintsville, Kentucky on July 16, 1864. In January 1865, while Prentice's battalion was quartered in southwestern Virginia, Cook's men terrorized the Russell County town of Castlewoods. The local citizens were robbed by the soldiers. The soldiers in turn lavished the spoils on several prostitutes who followed them to the area. Led by a few Confederate soldiers, the citizens rose up and burned out the brothels. Cook was killed by Cleve Boyd, a fellow rebel, during the clash. Cook's widow continued to reside in Carter County after the war where she earned a scandalous reputation in her own right. Carter County court records reveal that she was charged with concealing stolen property by Charles Kitchen in 1868. Isom Davidson, the writer's ancestor was among many local men who testified in her defense. While they agreed that she was a "lewd woman" who was "friendly with too many men" she was no thief! She disappears from the records shortly afterwards, although her son Rufus B. was still residing in Carter County in 1880. The company roster included with this sketch was compiled from military records at the National Archives. These records were supplemented by old court records, contemporary newspapers, and Confederate pension records. John B. Wells' excellent article on Cook in the February 1985 issue of The Partisan was very valuable. This publication is the official newsletter of Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp No. 1429 at Paintsville, Kentucky. Please note that this list includes the names of those men considered to be regularly enlisted members of the command.
COOK, DAVID: 1st Lt., Co. G, Res. of Bath Co., KY. Shot by his brother A. S. Cook, captured on 11/18/1863, died in prison.
COUCH, JEREMIAH: Co. H, Transferred from 21st VA Cav. to Co. H, 7th Bn. CSA Cav. in Scott Co., VA on 1/26/65. Previously served in the VSL.
COX, CALVIN: Co. B. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA. Age 12, 1860 Wise Co. Census.
COX, ENOCH P.: Co. I. Widow, Edith L. M. Cox's pension aapplication claimed service for her husnad in this unit.
COX, EPHRAIM: Co. _. Previoiusly served in Co. B, French's Battn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Louisville, KY then to Camp Chase, OH on 4/19/63. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 5/13/63. Age 21, farm hand, 1860 Wise Co. Census.
COX, J. H.: Asst. Surgeon, F&S. Previously served in the VSL.
COX, JOSHUA: Co. G, Res. of Morgan Co., KY. Taken POW on 2/2/1864.
COX, S. L.: Co. I. Res. of Rye Cove, Scott Co., VA. Mentioned as a comrade in Z. P. Carter's Tennessee Civil War Veterans Questionaire.
COX, WILLIAM: Co. I. Mentioned as a comrade by Thomas J. McConnell in his Tennessee Civil War Veterans Questionaire.
CRAFT, MILES: Co. I. Scott Co. Pension Application reference. Mentioned in pension application of Elizabeth Davidson.
CREECH, JONATHAN: 1st Lt., Co. K. Mentioned in Sarah McFarland's pension application.
CROSS, JACOB: Co. D, Widow Barabary claimed service for her husband in this unit in her Scott Co. Pension application.
DALE, HENRY P.: Co. K. Mentioned in Preston L. Stidham's pension application in 1912.
DARNELL, GEORGE W.: Co. I, Res. Scott Co., VA. Tradition only. Previously served in the VSL. Res. of Scott Co., VA.
DARNELL, MICHAEL (MITCEHLL) M.: Co. ?, Cem. Record only, which indicates service in the 64th VA Inf. Buried in the Rhoton-Hill Station Cem., Scott Co., VA. May have actually served in the 7th Bn. CSA Cav.
DAVIDSON, JAMES: Co. I. Mentioned as a comrade by Thomas J. McConnell in his Tennessee Civil War Veterans Questionaire.
DAVIDSON, JOHN B.: Co. I, Enl. 1/64 in Scott Co., VA. Served until disbanded near Roanoke, VA. Mentioned as a comrade by Thomas J. McConnell in his Tennessee Civil War Veterans Questionaire. Widow, Elizabeth pensioned in Rowan Co., KY in 1913. John B. Davidson b. in Scott Co., VA. D. ca. 1888 at Midland Station, Bath Co., KY.
DAVIS, HIRAM: Co. G, Res. of Morgan Co., KY. Surrendered at Mt. Sterling, KY on 4/30/1865. Filed pension application in Morgan Co., KY in 1919. Witnesses to pension application were William P. Adkins and J. H. Stinson.
DAVIS, THOMAS J.: Co. H. Found on a 3/4/65 list of conscripts identified as members of the 7th Battn. CSA Cav. found in the Guerrant Family Papers. Res. of Russell Co. Filed pension application in Russell Co., VA.
DEAL, WILLIAM: (Alias Bill Lemaster). Co. G, Taken POW on 7/25/1864, ordered shot.
DEARFIELD, DAVID: Co. E. Mentioned as a comrade in pension application of Covey Holbrook. Res. of Wise Co., VA. Mentioned as a comrade in John F. Kenady's pension application.
DICKENSON, N. S.: Co. G. Mentioned in the pension application of George H. Clay.
DINSMORE, J. W.: Co. I. Res. of Rogersville, TN. Mentioned as a comrade in Z. P. Carter's Tennessee Civil War Veteran Questionaire.
DOCKERY, ABRAHAM: Co. I. Filed affidavit for pension application of James Noah Baldwin.
DODSON, JAMES N.: 2nd Lt., Co. H, Taken POW on 7/7/63 at Gladeville, VA. Sent to Kemper Barracks, Ohio then to Johnson's Island, Ohio. Exchanged at Point Lookout, Maryland on 3/21/65, per one record, another indicates he was held at Fort Delaware until 6/12/65. 6'1«", dark hair, light comp., dark eyes, Res. of Wise Co. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. Service confirmed by deposition found in lawsuit filed by John Dils against Henry May in Pike Co., KY in 1866. Only deposition of a person other than a private. Later served in Co. A, French's Bn. VA Inf. and in Co. B, 7th CSA Cav. Bn. PWR of James H. Long, p. 210, PRSWVA. Age 19, farm hand, 1860 Wise Co. Census. B. 1/1840, farmer, per 1900 Dickenson Co., VA Census.
DOLLARHIDE, HARRY: Co. E. Witnessed Joseph Branham's pension application in 1912.
DOLLARHIDE, JOHN: Co. E. Witnessed Angeline Jordan's (widow of Richard) pension application in 1913, then age 70.
DORTON, DANIEL: Co. I. Mentioned as a comrade by Thomas J. McConnell in his Tennessee Civil War Veterans Questionaire.
DOTSON, JAMES A: Co. ?. Previously served in the 5th VSL. Participated in Menifee's Raid on Piketon, KY in 8/62. Service confirmed by depositions filed in Dils vs. May lawsuit filed in Pike Co., KY Circuit Court in 1866.
DOTSON, SIMON: Co. B. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA.
DURHAM, ENOCH T.: Co. I. Filed affidavit for pension application of James Noah Baldwin. Mentioned in John B. Davidson's widows pension application. Witnessed Harvey Hamilton's and Elizabeth Davidson's pension applications in 1912.
DYER, JAMES: Co. G, Res. of Morgan Co., KY.
ELAM, WILLIAM P.: Co. ?. Mentioned in W. E. Lee's pension application, filed in 1912.
ELDRIDGE, WILLIAM: Co. G, Res. of Carter Co., KY. Deserter from Co. M, 10th KY Cavalry. Also previously served in Fields' Company Kentucky Partisan Rangers.
ELKINS, BOOKER: Co. C. Mentioned by James B. Bryant who stated that Richard Branham, Booker Elkins Hiram Casebolt, John W. Castle and Saml. Ratliff enlisted in 1863 and served until disbanded.
ELLIOTT, GEORGE M.: Co. G (Associate Member), A member of Fields' Company Kentucky Partisan Rangers from Morgan Co., KY. Taken POW on 10/11/1863 in Greenup Co., KY.
ELLIOTT, HAMPTON: Co. I. Filed pension application in Scott Co. for benefits under act of 1902. Mentioned as a comrade by Thomas J. McConnell in his Tennessee Civil War Veterans Questionaire.
ELLIOTT, HARLAND: Co. I. Mentioned as a comrade by Thomas J. McConnell in his Tennessee Civil War Veterans Questionaire. Res. of Snow Flake, VA.
ESTEP, WILLIAM: Co. G, Res. of Johnson Co., KY. Took part in the 1864 Paintsville raid.
EVANS, A. K.: Co. H. Mentioned in Wilson Turner's pension application.
EVANS, WILLIAM F.: Co. G, No further information. Witnessed William P. Adkins' pension application in 1912.
EVANS, WILSON: Co. E. Found on a 3/4/65 list of conscripts identified as members of the 7th Battn. CSA Cav. found in the Guerrant Family Papers. Res. of Wise County.
FIELDS, THOMAS B.: Co. H/I?. Claimed service in this unit in pension application filed in Scott Co. for benefits under act of 1902.
FIELDS, THOMAS: Co. I. Mentioned in Z. P. Carter's pension application. Mentioned as a comrade by Thomas J. McConnell in his Tennessee Civil War Veterans Questionaire.
LANARY, TILMON S.: Co. I. Widow claimed service for her husband in her pension application filed in Scott Co., VA.
FLEENOR, A. J.: Capt., Co. D. Mentioned in pension application of John W. Bright, who claimed he was living in TN in 1906.
FLEENOR, JOEL H.: Capt., Co. D.
FLEMING, EMANUEL: Co. B. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. Participated in Menifee's Raid on Piketon, KY in 8/62. Service confirmed by depositions filed in Dils vs. May lawsuit filed in Pike Co., KY Circuit Court in 1866. Dstd. in Wise Co., released on taking oath at Louisa, KY in 5/64. Light hair, fair comp., blue eyes, 5'9", Res. of Wise Co.
FLEMING, ISAAC: 2nd Lt., Co. A. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. Participated in Menifee's Raid on Piketon, KY in 8/62. Service confirmed by depositions filed in Dils vs. May lawsuit filed in Pike Co., KY Circuit Court in 1866. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA. Age 22, farm hand, 1860 Wise Co. Census.
FLEMING, JEFFERSON: Co. B. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. Mentioned in Menifee letter to the VA Adjutant Gen. as one of his accusers. Pike Co. Court Records, John Dils vs. Henry May, 1866 confirm service by deposition. Bro. of John and Philip Flemming, Bro.-in-law of Marshall Keel. Age 34, farmer, 1860 Wise Co. Census.
FLEMING, JOHN JACKSON: 1st Lt., Co. E. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. Mentioned in Menifee letter to the Adjutant Gen. of VA as one of his accusers. Pike County Court Records, John Dils vs. Henry May, 1866 confirm service by deposition. John Flemming commanded a Confederate Home Guard unit after the VSL disbanded. George Fleming, son of John, affirmed that John Jackson Fleming served under Menifee and Prentice, "but saw no fighting." John Jackson Fleming was B. in Powell's Valley, Lee Co., VA on 6/9/1815 D. 2/1/1881 at Clintwood, Dickenson Co. In the recollection of Andrew J. Counts, John Fleming was Capt. of a Co. under Menifee. PRSWVA p. 73, 119. PRSWVA p. 139 indicates he was B. 6/9/1812 D. 2/1/1881. Mentioned on p. 183, PRSWVA, recollection of Henry Keel. Age 45, farmer, 1860 Wise Co. Census.
FLEMING, PHILIP: Co. _. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. Recollection of George W. Flemming, p. 139 PRSWVA and recollection of Henry Keel, p. 183 PRSWVA. Pike Co. KY Court Records, John Dils vs. Henry May, 1866 confirms service by deposition. B. 2/15/1815 D. 1885 in Dickenson Co., VA. Recollection of Solomon Mullins, p. 248 PRSWVA. Age 40, farmer, 1860 Wise Co., Census.
FRALEY, ISAAC: Co. A. Previously served in Co. C, French's Battn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Louisville, KY then to Camp Chase, OH on 4/19/63. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 5/13/63.
FRANCISCO, GEORGE W.: 2nd Lt., Co. C, 7th Bn. CSA Cav. Resigned on 2/3/64 due to "delicate health." Disability certificate 2/2/64 signed by J. H. Coxe, Asst. Surgeon, 7th Bn. CSA Cav. Previously served in the VSL. See personal papers of. NARA
FRENCH, DANIEL L.: Co. _. Previously served in the VSL and in Co. A or Co. D, French's Bn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Louisville, KY then to Camp Chase, OH on 4/19/63. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 5/13/63. Age 17, farm hand, 1860 Wise Co. Census. B. 2/1844, farmer, per 1900 Dickenson Co., VA Census. On 1909 Dickenson Co., VA Pension List.
FRENCH, GEORGE D.: Capt., Co. B. Asked for a 30 day furlough of indulgence on 2/17/65 while in Scott Co., VA to attend to "important business." Prentice granted the request. Previously served in Co. C, 4th VSL?. Participated in Menifee's Raid on Piketon, KY in 8/62. Service confirmed by depositions filed in Dils vs. May lawsuit filed in Pike Co., KY Circuit Court in 1866. Later served as Capt., Co. B, 7th Bn. CSA Cav. Asked for a 30 day furlough of indulgence on 2/17/65 while in Scott Co., VA to attend to "important business." Prentice granted the request. Recollection of Ephraim A. Dunbar, PRSWVA p. 119. He later raised his own company which became part of the 7th CSA Cav. Bn. He was a bro. of James Milton French, Colonel of the abortive 65th VA Inf. while detailed from the 63rd VA to raise a regt. James M. French lobbied the residents of the area to join his regt. and avoid Menifee and the VSL. He also served in Co. D, French's Bn. VA Inf. B. 12/11/1846. Age 17, farm hand, 1860 Wise Co. Census. Living at Morristown, TN in 1920.
FRENCH, JOSEPH S.: Co. B. Brother of George D. and James M. French. Mentioned in recollections of George D. French.
FRY, ANDREW JACKSON: 2nd Lt., Co. F, Previously served in the 4th VSL, Mentioned in lawsuit filed in Pike Co., KY as being one of Menifee's men. Service confirmed by deposition found in lawsuit filed by John Dils against Henry May in Pike Co., KY postwar. Resigned on 11/29/64. Moved to Talco, Texas postwar, D. there in 1878. Widow filed pension application in Texas and misidentified Fry's service as being with the 7th KY Cav. Application was returned marked "Not found". Mentioned in recollection of Isaac Mullins, p. 235, PRSWVA. Age 40, farmer, worth $1100, native of VA 1860 Pike Co., KY Census, Res. of the Marrowbone Creek area of Pike Co., KY.
FULTON, WILLIAM (WILBURN): Capt., Co. B. Previously served as Capt., Co. D, 5th VSL and as Capt. of Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. On T. E. Davis' list of VSL Officers dated 2/28/63. Participated in Menifee's Raid on Piketon, KY in 8/62. Service confirmed by depositions filed in Dils vs. May lawsuit filed in Pike Co., KY Circuit Court in 1866. Nathaniel Menifee mentions a Captain Fulton in his command who led a company of Tories (Northern sympathizers) who took the oath of allegiance to the Confederacy and joined his command. Menifee seems to have been confused on this point, as Fulton later served under Clarence Prentice. The Tory company was actually commanded by Alf Killen, who after his state line service, joined Co. F, 39th KY (Federal). This may or may not be the same person. Captain William Fulton, however, was mentioned on Document 35, listing the officers of the VSL. Menifee's Capt. Fulton, however, returned and was in the Federal Army by 2/22/65. PRSWVA p. 149, an abstract from the Charleston, WV. Gazette for Sunday, August 23, 1953, indicates that prior to the war Fulton was a storekeeper, but lost all he had during the war. He was captured at one point, and scheduled to be executed as a guerilla but was so ill, was spared because the Federals felt he was dying anyway. Res. of Boone Co., WV. The statement of James Harvey Long seems to confirm this speculation, stating Fulton was his captain in Co. B, 7th CSA Cav. Bn. and that he had served in the 4th VSL under Menifee. Fulton also served as Capt., Co. A, French's Bn. VA Inf. Age 28, farmer, 1860 Wise Co. Census.
GARDENER, JOHN: Co. D. Listed on Louisville Military Prison Register #3 as having been taken POW as a rebel deserter at Louisa, KY on 9/15/64.
GARDENER, WILLIAM H.: Co. B. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL, in Co. A, French's Bn. VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA. and in 64th VA Inf. Age 35, farmer, 1860 Wise Co., Census.
GIBSON, ___________: AQM, F&S. Serving in fall of 1863.
GLENN, DAVID: Co. C. Alive in 1913. Filed affidaavit in support of pension applicaation of J. S. Akers.
GOODPASTURE, THOMAS J.: Co. G, Res. of Morgan Co., KY. Taken POW on 2/2/1864.
GOODPASTURE, WILLIAM: Co. G, Res. of Morgan Co., KY. Taken POW on 2/2/1864.
GORDON, G. C.: 2nd Lt., Co. ?. Dropped for prolonged AWOL on 3/25/65, by Special Order 70/6. Previously served in the VSL.
GORDON, JAMES G.: Co. _. Previously served in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Louisville, KY then to Camp Chase, OH on 4/19/63. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 5/13/63. He had served in Company A, 29th VA Inf. B. ca. 1839 prob in Wise Co.
GOSE, CHARLES G.: Co. G. Menitoned in pension application of George H. Clay.
GREEAR, COLUMBUS: Co. I?. Deserted. Took oath on 3/30/64 in Lexington, Ky. Then age 19, 6', brown hair, florid comp., black eyes, Res. of Scott Co., VA Previously served in the VSL.
GREEN, CHADWELL B.: Co. I. Widow claimed service in this unit on her pension application filed in Scott Co., VA.
GREER, BUCK: Co. I. Mentioned as a comrade by Thomas J. McConnell in his Tennessee Civil War Veterans Questionaire.
GROSE, JACOB: Co. D. Mentioned in pension application of John W. Bright, who claimed he was living in TN in 1906.
GRUBB, SAMUEL: Co. I. Mentioned as a comrade by Thomas J. McConnell in his Tennessee Civil War Veterans Questionaire. Res. of Surgoinsville, TN.
GUERRANT, WILLIAM: Major, F&S. Resigned 10/31/63.
HABBARD, JOHN W.: Sgt., Co. ?. Deserted in Wise Co., VA. Took oath at Louisa, Ky. in 5/64, light hair, dark comp., gray eyes, 6'1".
HAGER, RICHARD M.: Capt, Co. H, Previously served in the VSL. Recollections recorded on p. 160 PRSWVA. He claims to have Enl. in the 5th KY Inf. under Col. John S. Williams, however, no record of service in that unit. Hager claimed to have raised Co. H, 7th CSA Cav. Bn. in Russell Co., VA in 1863. It seems likely, though not certain, that he was briefly affiliated with the VSL as were many were later members of the 7th CSA Cav. Bn. B. 1/1843, farmer, per 1900 Dickenson Co., VA Census. On 1909 Dickenson Co. Pension list drawing benefits under act of 1902. On 1920 Dickenson Co. Pension list.
HALE, HENRY: Co. F. Filed pension application in Scott Co., VA, claiming service in this unit.
HALE, WILBURN: Co. H, Enl. in 1864 in Russell Co. Claimed to have served 10 months and to have been detailed to bury a dead soldier at the surrender. Filed pension application in Russell Co., VA.
HALL, ALLEN: Co. _. Previously served in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Louisville, KY then to Camp Chase, OH on 4/19/63. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 5/13/63.
HALL, JAMES H.: Co. I. Service claimed in this unit in his pension application. Res. of Scott Co.
HAMILTON, HARVEY: Co. I, Enl. on 1/1/65. Discharged in 1865 in Lynchburg, VA. B. 1/12/1847 in Floyd Co., KY. Pension application witnessed by L. H. Baldwin, E. T. Durham, James A. Stewart, all of Scott Co., VA. D. 7/22/1922 in Floyd Co., KY.
HAMILTON, JOHN MAY: Co. G, Res. of Johnson Co., KY. Taken POW on 3/6/1864, executed on 8/15/1864.
HANLEY, J.: Co. G, Taken POW in Morgan Co., Ky. on 11/18/63, sent to Camp Chase, Ohio, and then transferred to Fort Delaware in 3/64. No record of release.
HARDEN, BEN F.: Co. ?. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Camp Chase, OH, exchanged at City Point, VA on 5/13/63. Previously served in Co. G, 8th VA Cav. Hung postwar in Tazewell County for murder.
HARMAN, JAMES A.: Co. ?. Previously served in Co. B, French's Battn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Louisville, KY then to Camp Chase, OH on 4/19/63. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 5/13/63.
HARMAN, JAMES W.: Co. ?. Previously served in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Louisville, KY then to Camp Chase, OH on 4/19/63. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 5/13/63.
HARRIS, JAMES M.: Co. I. Mentioned as a comrade by Thomas J. McConnell in his Tennessee Civil War Veterans Questionaire. Res. of Gate City, Scott Co., VA.
HARRIS, JOHN M.: Co. I. Mentioned in pension application of Elizabeth Davidson.
HARRIS, N. J.: Co. ?. Found on a 3/4/65 list of conscripts identified as members of the 7th Battn. CSA Cav. found in the Guerrant Family Papers. Res. of Russell Co.
HART, J. H.: Co. G. Mentioned in Booker Short's pension application in 1912. Res. of Clay Co., KY.
HAYS, (HAYES) JONATHAN: Co. A, Taken POW at Gladeville, VA on 7/7/63, sent to Camp Chase, Ohio then to Camp Douglas, Ill. on 8/24/63, but he has no record of release or death. Previously served in the VSL. and in the 64th VA Inf.
HENDRICKS, G. W.: Co. ?. Found on a 3/4/65 list of conscripts identified as members of the 7th Battn. CSA Cav. found in the Guerrant Family Papers. Res. of Russell Co.
HENSLEY, WILEY: Co. G, Res. of Wayne Co., WV.
HIBBITS, JAMES M.: Co. ?. Previously served in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Louisville, KY then to Camp Chase, OH on 4/19/63. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 5/13/63. Age 29, farmer, 1860 Wise Co. Census.
HIBBITS, RICHARD: Co. ?. Previously served in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Louisville, KY then to Camp Chase, OH on 4/19/63. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 5/13/63. In General Hosp. at Petersburg, VA with rubeola, as a paroled prisoner. In hosp. 5/18-6/12/1863. Age 16, farm hand, 1860 Wise Co. Census.
HICKS, GEORGE W.: Co. H. Enl. in 1861 at Lebanon, VA. Transferred to 7th Battn. CSA Cav. at some point. Claimed to have been home on furlough at time of surrender.
HILL, B. C.: Co. I. Claimed service in this unit in his pension application filed in Scott Co., VA.
ILL, MITCHELL: Co. B. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA.
HILL, THOMAS C.: Co. G, Res. of Johnson Co., KY. Took part in the 1864 Paintsville raid.
HILL, WILLIAM F.: Co. I. Service claimed in affidavits filed with pension application of James H. Hall.
HILL, WILLIAM: Co. G (Associate Member), A member of Fields' Company Kentucky Partisan Rangers from Johnson Co., KY.
HILLMAN, JOHN W.: 1st Lt., Co.?. Previously served in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Louisville, KY then to Camp Chase, OH on 4/19/63. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 5/13/63. Age 33, farmer, 1860 Wise Co. Census.
HOGE, W. N.: 2nd Lt., Co. B. Elected 2nd Lt., 7/23/64. Previously served as a Pvt. in Co. F, 54th VA Inf.
HOLBROOK, COVEY: Co. E, enl. in Wise Co., VA. Claimed service in this unit in his pension application filed in Scott Co., VA. Res. of Wise Co., VA during the war. Mentioned in John F. Kenady's pension application.
HORN, WILLIAM: Co. F, Found on a 3/4/65 list of conscripts identified as members of the 7th Battn. CSA Cav. found in the Guerrant Family Papers. Res. of Wise Co.
HOWARD JAMES O.: Sergeant Major, Co. F, 7th Bn. CSA Cav. Taken POW at Pound Gap, VA on 10/2/64, sent to Camp Chase, OH. Released on 2/21/65, then age 24, 5'7«", brown hair, dark complexion, hazel eyes, Res. of Jefferson Co., KY. Previously served in the VSL.
HUBBARD, BURDINE: Co. A. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA.
HUBBARD, EDMOND: Co. B, Enl. in 8/61. Was absent from command collecting deserters at the time of the surrender. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA. B. 1/20/1842 in Scott Co., VA. Age 15, farm laborer, 1860 Wise Co. Census. Bro. of Jesse. Filed pension application in Lawrence Co., KY in 1913.
HUBBARD, JESSE: Co. A, Taken POW at Gladeville, VA on 7/7/63, sent to Camp Chase, Ohio then to Camp Douglas, Ill. on 8/24/63. Exchanged at Point Lookout, Maryland on 3/2/65. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Bn. VA Inf. and in the 29th VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA. Age 16, farm hand, 1860 Wise Co. Census.
HUBBARD, JOHN W.: Sgt., Co. ?, 7th Bn. CSA Cav. Dstd. in Wise Co., VA. Took oath at Louisa, KY in 5/64, light hair, dark comp., gray eyes, 6'1". Previously served in the VSL.
HUNLEY, JORDAN: Co. G, Enl. in 1863 in Co. G, 10th KY Cav. Taken POW on 11/10/1863. B. 1847 in Wayne Co., KY. Res. of Morgan Co., KY. Filed pension application in Lawrence Co., KY in 1912.
HURD, HENRY W.: Co. C, Enl. in 1862 at Castlewoods. Claimed to have been at Lynchburg, VA when the surrender came. Filed pension in Russell Co., VA. Born in Floyd Co., VA. D. in Russell Co. on 2/25/1914.
HURST, GEORGE: 1st Lt. Co. G, Res. of Morgan Co., KY. Participated in the Paintsville raid in 1864.
HURST, ISAAC: Co. G, Res. of Morgan Co., KY. Took part in the 1864 Paintsville raid.
JACKSON, ELIJAH: Co. G (Associate Member), A member of Co. M, 10th KY Cavalry from Lawrence Co., KY. Participated in the 1864 Paintsville, KY raid.
JAYNE, ANDREW: Co. G, Res. of Johnson Co., KY. Took part in the 1864 Paintsville raid.
JAYNE, DAN J. V.: Co. G (Associate Member), A member of Co. M, 10th KY Cavalry from Johnson Co., KY. Participated in the 1864 Paintsville, KY raid.
JAYNE, HENRY T.: Co. G, Res. of Johnson Co., KY. Participated in the 1864 Paintsville raid. Also served in Fields' Company Kentucky Partisan Rangers.
JENKS, JOHN P.: Co. ?. Found on a 3/4/65 list of conscripts identified as members of the 7th Battn. CSA Cav. found in the Guerrant Family Papers. Res. of Russell Co.
JONES, B. F.: Capt., Co. K. Mentioned in Sarah McFarland's pension application.
JONES, SAMUEL: Co. I. Mentioned as a comrade by Thomas J. McConnell in his Tennessee Civil War Veterans Questionaire.
JORDAN, G. C.: 3rd Lt., Co. E. Mentioned in pension application of Angeline Jordan.
JORDAN, RICHARD: Co. E, Enl. in 5/62. Served until the disbandment on New River in 1865. D. 12/25/1907 in Cabell Co., WV. Widow Angeline pensioned in Boyd Co., KY in 1913.
JORDAN, PARIS: Co. E. Age 68 in 1913. Witnessed Richard Jordan's widow's pension application in 1913.
KEATON, STEPHEN: Co. G (Associate Member), A member of Fields' Partisan Rangers from Morgan Co., KY. Taken POW in 11/1863.
KEEL, MARSHALL G.: Co. B, Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL. PRSWVA p. 19. Ephraim A. Dunbar remembered that he was a member of this unit. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA. He was KIA on Big Ridge, near Holly Creek in what is now Dickenson Co., VA in fall of 1863. Age 29, farmer, 1860 Wise Co., Census.
KEEL, SAMUEL: Lt., Co. _. Previously served in the 4th VSL. Recollection of Andrew J. Mullins, PRSWVA, p. 220. Bro. of Marshall Keel.
KEEL, W. K.: Co. ?. Previously served in Co. C, 4th VSL. PRSWVA p. 183. Res. of Clintwood, Dickenson Co., VA. Mentioned in the recollection of Henry Keel, 10/28/1925 at Clintwood, VA.
KEESE, WILLIAM: Co. ?. Previously served in Co. B/A, French's Battn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Louisville, KY then to Camp Chase, OH on 4/19/63. Died at Camp Chase 5/28/1863 with pneumonia.
KEETH, JESSE: Co. G. Mentioned in Thompson Robinson's pension application.
KENADY, J. O.: Co. E. Mentioned in John F. Kenady's pension application.
KENADY, JOHN F.: Co. E, Enl. in 1864 in Russell Co. B. ca. 1847 in Russell Co. Filed pension application in Russell Co. in 1912.
KENDALL, TRAVIS C.: Co. G, Res. of Greenup Co., KY. Killed on 3/21/1864 in Morgan (now Elliott) Co., KY.
KILGORE, JAMES A.: Co. C. Deserted in Wise Co. Took oath at Louisville, Ky. on 11/20/63 and sent north. Res. Wise Co., 5'3", black hair, light comp., black eyes.
KILGORE, JAMES A.: Co. C, Previously served in Co. C, 4th VSL. In recollection of Ephraim A. Dunbar, PRSWVA, p. 119. Dstd. in Wise Co. Took oath at Louisville, KY on 11/20/63, sent north. Res. Wise Co., 5'3", black hair, light comp., black eyes.
KING, MARTIN M.: Co. A. Previously served in Co. D, French's Battn. VA Inf. Captured in Magoffin Co., KY 4/15/1863, sent to Camp Chase, OH, exchanged at City Point 5/13/1863. Listed on Louisville Military Prison Register #3, as having been taken POW at Pound Gap on 10/2/1864. Sent to Camp Chase, OH.
KISER, ABRAHAM: Co. ?, PRSWVA p. 192. Based on his own statement that he served in the VSL specific unit not stated. B. 11/5/1830 at Carbo, Buchanan Co., VA. Res. of Burton's Ford, VA in 1915. Mentioned in Joseph Laforce's and Elijah Sutherland's pension application.
KISER, DANIEL E.: Co. _. Previously served in the VSL. Later in Co. A, 29th VA Inf., where he enl. in 12/64, Dstd. 1/9/65 at Bermuda Hundred, near Richmond, VA. B. ca. 1840 in Russell Co., VA. D. 9/1894. Widow Patsy filed pension application in Russell Co.
KISER, NIMROD: Lt., Co. H. Mentioned in pension application of T. J. Davis, Sr. and Elijah Sutherland.
KISER, NOAH S.: Co. H. Widow Rachel filed pension application in Russell Co. Died in 1884.
KISER, NOAH: Co. H. Widow Mary filed pension application, claimed he enlisted in late 1862 and was discharged in 1865. Comrades claimed he served 12 months. Comrades state that Kiser obtained a furlough at the time the battalion was ordered to Richmond from Tennessee. He failed to overtake the command at Abingdon, which proceeded without him. Never "got back" until "close of war." Died in 9/1885 in Russell Co. of typhoid fever.
LAFORCE, ELIJAH: Co. H. Based on his statement in PRSWVA p. 201 he served in Capt. Dick Hager's Co., which was part of the 7th CSA Cav. Bn. B. 9/27/1833, Res. of Carbo, VA in 1924.
LAFORCE, JOSEPH: Co. H. Born in Russell Co., VA ca. 1839. Served until the surrender per pension application, which he made in 1904, then age 65.
LANDERS, CALVIN: Co. B, Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA.
LANE, JOHN: Co. ?. Widow Hannah claimed service for her husband in thiis unit in her pension application filed in Scott Co.
LEE, D. F.: 2nd Lt., Co. G, Res. of Russell Co., VA. Deserter from Co. A, 22nd VA Cavalry. Disbanded at Marion, VA in 1865. B. 4/20/1842 in Russell Co. Moved to KY in 1873. Pensioned in Carter Co., KY in 1912. Died at Ashland, KY on 12/18/1926.
LEE, W. E.: Co. ?. Disbanded at Marion, VA in 1865. Previously served in Co. K, 48th VA Inf. and in Co. A, 22nd VA Cav. (deserter). B. 12/5/1837 in Russell Co., VA. Pensioned in Fleming Co., KY in 1912.
LEWIS, ANDREW: Co. G, Res. of Morgan Co., KY.
LEWIS, JOHN C.: Co. G, Res. of Morgan Co., KY.
LIKENS, EDD.: Co. I. Mentioned as a comrade by Thomas J. McConnell in his Tennessee Civil War Veterans Questionaire.
LONG, JAMES HARVEY: Co. B. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. Participated in Menifee's Raid on Piketon, KY in 8/62. Service confirmed by depositions filed in Dils vs. May lawsuit filed in Pike Co., KY Circuit Court in 1866. He provided in PRSWVA, p. 209-210, a roster of this company from memory. Age 16, farm hand 1860 Wise Co. Census. B. 5/1844, farmer, per 1900 Dickenson Co., VA Census.
LONG, WILBORN D.: Co. _. Previously served in the VSL and in Co. A, French's Bn. VA Inf.
LONG, WILLIAM W.: 2nd Lt., Co. B. Previously served in the VSL. Resigned on 7/1/64. See personal papers of.
LUCAS, ROBERT: Co. ?. Filed pension application in Scott Co., claimed service in the 7th VA, probably actually in the 7th CSA Cav. Bn.
LYON, MARION: Co. G, Res. of Lawrence Co., KY. Formerly served in Fields' Company Kentucky Partisan Rangers.
LYON, REASON: Co. G, Res. of Lawrence Co., KY. Formerly served in Fields' Company Kentucky Partisan Rangers.
LYONS, JAMES F.: Co. G (Associate Member), A "guerrilla" was lynched at home in 1866.
LYONS, SOLOMON: Co. I. Mentioned as a comrade by Thomas J. McConnell in his Tennessee Civil War Veterans Questionaire. Res. of Surgoinsville, TN.
MARKS, NATHANIEL: Co. G (Associate Member), A member of Fields' Partisan Rangers from Carter Co., KY. He was taken POW in 11/1863 and executed by Union authority on 1/20/1865.
MAXWELL, AUDLEY: Co. A, Previously served in Co. C, 5th, VSL, Co. A, French's Battn. and in the 64th VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA. Age 31, farmer, 1860 Wise Co. Census.
MAY, JOHN: 2nd Lt.,/Capt. Co. C, 7th Bn. CSA Cav. Elected 2nd Lt. on 7/21/64. Previously served in the VSL. Office of Capt. suggested by some pension applications. Lived at Coburn, VA.
McCARTY, G.: Co. ?. Mentioned on forage receipt. Previously served in the VSL.
McCLANAHAN, JOHN: Co. G, Res. of Morgan Co., KY. Taken POW on 10/8/1863. Joined company and killed by the enemy.
McCONNELL, FRANCIS MARION: Co. I. Mentioned as a comrade by Thomas J. McConnell in his Tennessee Civil War Veterans Questionaire.
McCONNELL, THOMAS JEFFERSON: Co. I, Enl. 5/1864 at Estilville, Scott Co., VA. Born in Scott Co., VA. Moved to Hawkins Co., TN ca. 1911. Res. of Surgoinsville, TN in 1921, then age 75, when he completed a Tennessee Civil War Veterans Questionaire.
McFALL, JAMES MADISON: Co. B. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. Mentioned in a 1930's letter by Hezekiah Reedy. Age 19, farm hand, 1860 Wise Co. Census, born in NC.
McFALL, JOHN: 2nd Lt., Co. F. See U.S. War Dept Letter received 195-W-1865. Previously served in the 4th VSL. Mentioned in a lawsuit in Pike Co., KY as being one of Menifee's men. Res. of Wise Co., VA. Statement of Roland McFall says that his uncle, John served under Col. Menifee. and was at the Battle of Cranesnest. After the war he moved to Greeneville, TX. Bro. of Joseph & Reuben McFall, and bro.-in-law of Andy & Felix Senter, and Robert and Jeff Fleming.
McFALL, JOHN: 2nd Lt., Co. I. Previously served in the VSL.
McFALL, JOSEPH: Co. _. Previously served in the 4th VSL. Mentioned in recollection of Roland McFall, probably in unit with his bro. John McFall. On 1909 Wise Co., VA Pension List.
McFALL, REUBEN D.: Co. _. Previously served in the 4th VSL. Mentioned in recollection of Roland McFall, probably in unit with his bro. John McFall. Participant in the Battle of Cranesnest on 11/9/64. Listed on the 1909 Dickenson Co., VA Pension List.
McFARLAND, ALEXANDER: Co. K, Enl. on 5/1/63 (64?) and served one year. Claimed to have been discharged at Christiansburg, VA on 5/11/65 and paroled at Cumberland Gap, VA. B. 5/10/1848 in Wise Co., VA. D. 8/8/1911 in Green Co., NY. "He got in trouble and left here." Widow, Sarah, received pension in Magoffin Co., KY in 1914.
McLAUGHLIN, NATHAN: 1st Lt., Co. E. Elected 7/21/64. Previously served as 2nd Lt., Co. C, 4th VSL. On T. E. Davis' list of VSL Officers dated 2/28/63.
McLAUGHLIN, NATHAN: Co. E. Mentioned as commander in pension application of Covey Holbrook. Mentioned as 1st Lt. in pension application of Angeline Jordan. Res. of Wise Co., VA.
McLEMORE, JOHN: Co. _. Previously served in the 4th VSL. Mention in recollections of Isaac "Black Ike" Mullins, p. 234, PRSWVA.
McMURRAY, JEREMIAH: Co. D. Claimed service in this unit in pension application filed in Scott Co., VA.
MINTON, JAMES: Co. G. Mentioned in Thompson Robinson's pension application.
MOORE, JOHN W.: Co. ?, 7th Bn. CSA Cav. Dstd. Took oath on 4/30/64 in Louisa, KY, 5'5", dark hair, dark comp., yellow eyes, Res. of Lawrence Co., KY. "Young ignorant, was deceived, served 3 months and then Dstd." Previously served in the VSL.
MOORE, MOSES: Co. C, Enl. in 1862. Mentioned in Jacob Sanders' pension application.
MULLINS, ANDREW: 2nd Lt., Co. B, See personal papers of. Previously served in the 4th VSL. Service confirmed by deposition found in lawsuit filed by John Dils against Henry May in Pike Co., KY in 1866.
MULLINS, BASIL: Co. B. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA. Age 25, farmer, 1860 Wise Co. Census.
MULLINS, DAVID C.: Co. _. Previously served in the 4th VSL. Service confirmed by deposition found in lawsuit filed by John Dils against Henry May in Pike Co., KY in 1866. Listed on 1909 Wise Co., VA Pension List. B. 8/1847, farmer, 1900 Dickenson Co., VA Census.
MULLINS, ELIJAH: Co. A, Taken POW at Gladeville, VA on 7/7/63, sent to Camp Chase, Ohio then to Camp Douglas, Ill. on 8/24/63, transferred to Point Lookout, Maryland on 3/2/65. Previously served in the 4th VSL. Service confirmed by deposition found in lawsuit filed by John Dils against Henry May in Pike Co., KY in 1866.
MULLINS, GREENBERRY: Co. A. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA. Taken POW at Gladeville, VA on 7/7/63, sent to Camp Chase, OH then to Camp Douglas, IL on 8/24/63, transf. to Point Lookout, MD on 3/2/65. On 1909 Dickenson Co. Pension list drawing benefits under act of 1902.
MULLINS, GREENWAY: Co. A, Taken POW at Gladeville, VA on 7/7/63, sent to Camp Chase, Ohio then to Camp Douglas, Ill. on 8/24/63, transferred to Point Lookout, Maryland on 3/2/65.
MULLINS, HARMON: Co. _. Previously served in the 4th VSL. Participated in Menifee's Raid on Piketon, KY in 8/62. Service confirmed by depositions filed in Dils vs. May lawsuit filed in Pike Co., KY Circuit Court in 1866.
MULLINS, HENDERSON: 2nd Lt., Co. B. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. Service confirmed by deposition found in lawsuit filed by John Dils against Henry May in Pike Co., KY in 1866. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA. Taken POW at Gladeville, VA on 7/7/63, sent to Camp Chase, OH then to Camp Douglas, IL on 8/24/63, transf. to Point Lookout, MD on 3/2/65.
MULLINS, HENDERSON: Co. A, Taken POW at Gladeville, VA on 7/7/63, sent to Camp Chase, Ohio then to Camp Douglas, Ill. on 8/24/63, transferred to Point Lookout, Maryland on 3/2/65.
MULLINS, JACKSON: Co. B. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA.
MULLINS, JAMES: Co. A, Taken POW at Gladeville, VA on 7/7/63, sent to Camp Chase, Ohio then to Camp Douglas, Ill. on 8/24/63, transferred to Point Lookout, Maryland on 3/2/65.
MULLINS, JAMES: Co. _, Previously served in the 4th VSL. Service confirmed by deposition found in lawsuit filed by John Dils against Henry May in Pike Co., KY in 1866. Later served in Co. A, 7th Bn. CSA Cav. Taken POW at Gladeville, VA on 7/7/63, sent to Camp Chase, OH then to Camp Douglas, IL on 8/24/63, transf. to Point Lookout, MD on 3/2/65.
MULLINS, JOHN A.: Co. B. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. Service confirmed by deposition found in lawsuit filed by John Dils against Henry May in Pike Co., KY in 1866. Previously served in Co. F, 5th KY Inf. In Gen. Hosp. at Petersburg, VA from 5/18-7/20/63. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA and in recollections of Henry Keel, p. 183, PRSWVA. Age 42, farm laborer, 1860 Pike Co., KY Census.
MULLINS, JOHN H.: Co. _, Previously served in the 4th VSL. Participated in Menifee's Raid on Piketon, KY in 8/62. Service confirmed by depositions filed in Dils vs. May lawsuit filed in Pike Co., KY Circuit Court in 1866. Dstd. in Wise Co., VA. Took oath at Louisville, KY in 5/64. Light hair, fair comp., blue eyes, 5'11", Res. of Wise Co., VA.
MULLINS, JOHN R.: 2nd Lt., Co. _. Previously served in Co. A, 5th VSL. Participated in Menifee's Raid on Piketon, KY in 8/62. Service confirmed by depositions filed in Dils vs. May lawsuit filed in Pike Co., KY Circuit Court in 1866.
MULLINS, JOHN W.: Co. _, Previously served in the 4th VSL. Service confirmed by deposition found in lawsuit filed by John Dils against Henry May in Pike Co., KY in 1866. Age 24, 1860 Pike Co., KY Census.
MULLINS, JOHN: Co. ?. Deserted in Wise Co., VA. Took oath at Louisville, Ky. in 5/64. Light hair, fair comp., blue eyes, 5'11", Res. of Wise Co., VA.
MULLINS, MARSHALL: Co. B, Dstd. Took oath at Louisville, KY on 3/30/64, sent north. Black hair, dark comp., hazel eyes, 6'1", Res. of Wise Co., VA. Previously served in the 4th VSL.
MULLINS, MARSHALL: Co. B, Deserted. Took oath at Louisville, Ky. on 3/30/64. Black hair, dark comp., hazel eyes, 6'1", Res. of Wise Co.
MULLINS, SHERWOOD: Co. C. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. VSL unit unk. Dstd. Took oath at Louisville, KY on 3/30/64, sent north. Dark hair, fair comp., 5'7", blue eyes. Res. of Pike Co., KY.
MULLINS, SOLOMON M.: Co. B. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. Mentioned in recollection of Henry Keel, p. 183, PRSWVA. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA. B. 4/19/42. Res. of Clintwood, Dickenson Co., VA in 1929. Bro.-in-law of Linville & Hezekiah Reedy, bro. of John A. 8Mullins. He wrote, "I first volunteered under Capt. William Rose... my company was made up mostly on Holly Creek. I was in Co. A, 51st (sic) Regiment commanded by Colonel Menifee. I never heard of him until he came here and made up the regiment in July, 1862. I served on the border and in Ky... I was in a few skirmishes, but no big fights. After the State Line disbanded, I reenl. under Col. Prentice. Captain Arch Skeen was my captain part of the time. About 65 or 70 men made up a company. Harve Long was in service me. John Chase and Lib Fulton were captains in the same regiment. Part of the men were from Ky..." P. 247, PRSWVA. He was taken POW on 4/15/63 at Pikeville, KY as part of the 65th VA Inf. being formed by Col. James M. French, was sent to Camp Chase, Exch. He also served in Co. B or Co. D, French's Bn. VA Inf. in Gen. Hosp at Petersburg, VA from 5/18-7/20/63. On 1909 Dickenson Co. Pension list drawing benefits under act of 1902.
MULLINS, SPENCER: Co. _, Previously served in the 4th VSL. Service confirmed by deposition found in lawsuit filed by John Dils against Henry May in Pike Co., KY in 1866. B. 4/1846, farmer, 1900 Dickenson Co., VA Census. On 1909 Dickenson Co. Pension list drawing benefits under act of 1902.
MULLINS, WESLEY: Co. _, Previously served in the 4th VSL. Participated in Menifee's Raid on Piketon, KY in 8/62. Service confirmed by depositions filed in Dils vs. May lawsuit filed in Pike Co., KY Circuit Court in 1866.
MULLINS, WILEY: Co. _, Previously served in the 5th VSL. Recollections of Solomon Mullins, p. 248 PRSWVA. "Bushwhacked" near Wilburn Phipps' in what is now Dickenson Co., VA on 9/13/63. Age 36, farmer, 1860 Wise Co. Census.
MULLINS, WILLIAM L.: Co. _, Previously served in the 4th VSL. Service confirmed by deposition found in lawsuit filed by John Dils against Henry May in Pike Co., KY in 1866. Later served in Co. D, 13th KY Cav. Age 22, 1860 Pike Co., KY Census. On 1909 Dickenson Co. Pension list drawing benefits under act of 1902.
MULLINS, WILLIAM: Co. B. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. Recollection of Eprhaim A. Dunbar, PRSWVA p. 119. He was KIA at some point by bushwhackers, but it is unclear if he was killed while a member of the VSL or as part of the State Line which reformed in Co. B, 7th CSA Cav. Bn. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA.
MULLINS, WILSON: Co. F, Found on a 3/4/65 list of conscripts identified as members of the 7th Battn. CSA Cav. found in the Guerrant Family Papers. Res. of Wise Co.
MURPHY, CHARLES: Co. B, Listed on Louisville Military Prison Register #3, listed as having been taken POW at Saltville, VA on 10/2/64. Sent to Camp Chase, OH on 10/22/64.
MURPHY, JOHN: Co. D. Listed on Louisville Military Prison Register #3, listed as having been taken POW at Louisa, KY as a deserter on 9/15/64.
MURPHY, JOHN: Co. G, Res. of Lawrence Co., KY. Killed by Capt. Hiram Jordan (Union militia) in Lawrence County.
MURPHY, WILLIAM: Co. G, Taken POW on 11/10/1863 in Morgan Co., Ky. Sent to Camp Chase, Ohio were held until 7/21/64 when he enl. in the U.S. Navy.
MURRAY, SAMUEL: Co. D. Claimed service in this unit in his pension application filed in Scott Co., VA.
MUSICK, CUMMINGS: Co. H. Mentioned in Thomas Musick's pension application.
MUSICK, THOMAS: Co. H. Enl. in 11/1863 in Russell Co. Discharged in 4/65. Born in Russell Co. ca. 1846. Applied for pension in Russell Co. in 1912. Mention in Napoleon Bonaparte Rasnick's widow's pension application.
NEAL, WILLIAM P.: Co. C, Deserted in Wise Co., on 11/4/63. Took oath and sent north. Dark hair, light comp., blue eyes, 6', Res. of Wise Co., VA. Previously served in Co. C, 4th VSL. Service confirmed by deposition found in lawsuit filed by John Dils against Henry May in Pike Co., KY in 1866. PRSWVA p. 119. Age 37, farmer, native of NC, 1860 Wise Co. Census.
NEELY, L. H.: Co. I. Claimed service in this unit in his pension application filed in Scott Co., VA.
NELSON, J. F.: Co. I. Mentioned as a comrade by Thomas J. McConnell in his Tennessee Civil War Veterans Questionaire.
NELSON, JAMES: Co. I. Mentioned as a comrade by Thomas J. McConnell in his Tennessee Civil War Veterans Questionaire.
NELSON, ROBERT: Co. I. Mentioned as a comrade by Thomas J. McConnell in his Tennessee Civil War Veterans Questionaire.
NEW, F. A.: Co. F. Cemetery Record only. Buried in the Spring Hill Cem., Huntington, WV.
NICHOLS, JOHN J.: Co. G (Associate Member), A member of Co. A, 2nd Kentucky Mounted Rifles, from Rowan Co., KY. He was taken POW in 11/1863 and executed by Union authority on 9/2/1864.
O'NEAL, GEORGE: Co. G, Res. of Morgan Co., KY. Took part in the 1864 Paintsville raid.
O'NEAL, JAMES: Co. G, Res. of Morgan Co., KY. Took part in the 1864 Paintsville raid.
O'NEAL, JOHN: Co. G, Res. of Morgan Co., KY. Took part in the 1864 Paintsville raid.
ONEY, BUNYON: Co. G (Associate Member), A member of Co. F, 13th KY Cavalry from Floyd Co., KY. Taken POW on 10/11/1863 in Greenup Co., KY.
OSBORN, STEPHEN JEFFERSON: Co. E. Claimed service in this unit in his pension application filed in Scott Co., VA.
OSBORNE, JAMES B.: Co. ?. Claimed service in this unit in his pension application filed in Scott Co., VA.
OSBORNE, JOHN: Co. I. Mentioned as a comrade by Thomas J. McConnell in his Tennessee Civil War Veterans Questionaire.
OSBORNE, KID: Co. I. Mentioned as a comrade by Thomas J. McConnell in his Tennessee Civil War Veterans Questionaire.
OSBURN, S. J.: Co. I. Mentioned as a comrade of William W. Berry in his pension application.
OSBORNE, STEPHEN: Co. E, Enl. on 8/1/63. B. 6/7/1849 in Scott Co., VA. Pensioned in Floyd Co. KY in 1912. Brother of James Osborne.
OSBORNE, JAMES: Co. E, Enl. 8/63. Disbanded at surrender and took oath at Lexington, KY. B. 1838 in Scott Co., VA. Pensioned in Johnson Co., KY.
OSBORNE, WILLIAM: Co. E. Witnessed James Osborne's pension application in 1912.
PATTERSON, JAMES: Co. G, Res. of Johnson Co., KY. Killed by citizens of Johnson County circa 1864.
PENNINGTON, JAMES H.: Co. G (Associate Member), A member of Co. D, 10th KY Cavalry from Morgan Co., KY. Participated in the fight at Bumgardner Farm in 1863.
PENNINGTON, JAMES: Co. G, Res. of Johnson Co., KY. Took part in the 1864 Paintsville raid. Formerly served in Fields' Company Kentucky Partisan Rangers.
PERKEY, WILLIAM: Co. B. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA.
PERRY, FRANCIS M.: Co. ?. Claimed service in this unit, and with "Col. Menefee" of the Viriginia State Line in his pension application filed in Scott Co., VA.
PERRY, LEVI F.: 3rd Lt., Co. B. Deserted 3/17/64 in Wise County to take advantage of the amnesty proclamation. Sent North. Dark hair, sallow comp., grey eyes, Res. of Wise Co., VA. Previously served in the 29th VA Inf. Age 16 farm laborerr, 18600 Wise Co. Census.
PERRY, LEVI: Co. B. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA. Dstd. 3/17/64 in Wise County to take advantage of the amnesty proclamation, sent North, dark hair, sallow comp., grey eyes, Res. of Wise Co., VA. Age 23, farmer, 1860 Wise Co. Census.
PERRY, MARION: Co. B. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA.
PERRY, MARION: Co. I. Filed affidaavit in support of L. H. Baldwin's pension application.
PERRY, WILLIAM: Co. B. Deserted 3/24/64, took oath 3/30/64 at Louisville, Ky. and was released. Light hair, sallow comp., blue eyes, 5'9", Res. of Wise Co., VA.
PERRY, WILLIAM: Co. G, Res. of Morgan Co., KY.
PERRY, WILLIAM: Co. B. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA. Dstd. 3/24/64, took oath 3/30/64 at Louisville, KY and was released north of the Ohio River. Light hair, sallow comp., blue eyes, 5'9", Res. of Wise Co., VA. Age 21, farm laborer, 1860 Wise Co. Census.
PETERS, RUSSELL: Co. D. Claimed service in this unit in his pension application filed in Scott Co., VA.
PHILLIPS, JOHN: Co. B, Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL, Co. L, 10th KY Cav. on 3/1/63 at Alexandria, KY, in Co. A, French's Bn. VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA. Age 30, farmer, 1860 Wise Co. Census.
POE, WILLIAM: Co. ?, 7th Bn. CSA Cav. Dstd. 4/21/64, released north of the OH on taking the oath. Light hair, fair comp., blue eyes, 5'10", Res. of Wise Co., VA. Previously served in the VSL.
POE, WILLIAM: Co. ?. Deserted 4/21/64, released north of the Ohio on taking the oath. Light hair, fair comp., blue eyes, 5'10", Res. of Wise Co., VA.
POINDEXTER, JOHN C.: Sgt., Co. B. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA. Age 40, farmer, 1860 Wise Co. Census, native of TN.
PORTER, GEORGE W.: Co. D, 7th Bn. CSA Cav. Dstd. on 4/18/64 in Wise Co. Took oath at Louisa, KY on 4/21/64, sent north of the OH River. Light hair, light comp., grey eyes., Res. of Wise Co., VA. Previously served in the VSL.
PORTER, GEORGE W.: Co. D, Deserted on 4/18/64 in Wise Co. Took oath at Louisa, Ky. on 4/21/64, sent north of the Ohio River. Light hair, light comp., grey eyes., Res. of Wise Co., VA.
POWERS, DAVID C.: Co. ?. Previously served in Co. B, French's Battn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Louisville, KY then to Camp Chase, OH on 4/19/63. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 5/13/63. Age 27, farmer, 1860 Wise Co. Census.
POWERS, EPPERSON V.: Co. ?. Previously served in Co. B, French's Battn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Louisville, KY then to Camp Chase, OH on 4/19/63. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 5/13/63.
POWERS, JOHN M.: Co. ?. Previosly served in Co. B, French's Battn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Louisville, KY then to Camp Chase, OH on 4/19/63. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 5/13/63. Age 29, farmer, 1860 Wise Co. Census.
POWERS, WILLIAM A.: Capt., Co. ?. Previously served in Co. B, French's Battn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Louisville, KY then to Camp Chase, OH on 4/19/63. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 5/13/63, 5'5", blue eyes, light hair, fair comp., Res. Wise Co. Age 29, farmer, 1860 Wise Co. Census.
PRENTICE, CLARENCE J.: Lt. Col., F&S. Previously served in 2nd Battn. Ky. Cav. Taken POW on 3/31/63 in Louisville, Ky. Sent to Camp Chase, Ohio. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 5/13/63. Age 22 in 1863, 5'8", dark hair, dark comp., grey eyes. Ordered 80 pair shoes, 3 skillets, 3 ovens, 3 kettles, 2 mess pans, 7 curry combs and brushes on 7/25/63 when at Abingdon, VA. Requisitioned 50 pair of shoes on 8/6/63. Ordered 8 water buckets, 16 camp kettles on 8/28/63. Ordered one battle flag when at Pound Gap on 1/21/64. Paroled at Newton, N.C. on 4/19/65.
PRICHETT, DAVID: Co. ?. Previously served in Co. B, French's Battn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Louisville, KY then to Camp Chase, OH on 4/19/63. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 5/13/63.
PUCKETT, JOHN D.: Co. H. Mentioned in Thomas Musick's pension application.
RAMEY, WILLIAM P.: Co. ?. Previously served in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Louisville, KY then to Camp Chase, OH on 4/19/63. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 5/13/63. 5'10" age 28, blue eyes, light hair, light comp.
RASNICK, NAPOLEON BONAPARTE: Co. H. Blacksmith. Widow Margaret filed pension application in Russell Co. Veteran died on 12/24/1894 in Russell Co.
RATCLIFF, SILAS: Co. ?. Previously served in Co. B, French's Battn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Louisville, KY then to Camp Chase, OH on 4/19/63. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 5/13/63. In General Hosp at Petersburg 5/17/1863. Died there 5/19/1863 of pneumonia.
RATLIFF, SAMUEL: Brevet 2nd Lt., Co. C. Elected 7/21/64. Previously served in the 4th VSL. Service indicated by deposition found in lawsuit filed by John Dils against Henry May in Pike Co., KY in 1866. Witnessed Hiram Cantrell's pension application in 1912.
RATLIFF, SAMUEL: Co. C. Took oath in 6/65 in Charleston, WV. B. 3/24/1841 in Pike Co., VA. Pensioned in Pike Co., KY in 1912. Mentioned by James B. Bryant who stated that Richard Branham, Booker Elkins Casebolt, John W. Castle and Saml. Ratliff enlisted in 1863 and served until disbanded. D. 1/20/1926 in Pike Co.
RATLIFF, WILLIAM F.: 1st Lt., Co. C, Died in 7/12/64. Previously served as 1st Lt., Co. B, 5th VSL. On T. E. Davis' list of VSL Officers dated 2/28/63.
REEDY, HEZKIAH: Co. B. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. PRSWVA p. 183. B. 4/8/1845 in Grayson Co., VA. Res. of Wise Co., VA when he entered CSA service. Bro. of Linville Reedy and bro.-in-law of Solomon Mullins. Age 17, farm hand, 1860 Wise Co. Census. B. 4/1845, farmer, per 1900 Dickenson Co., VA Census. On 1909 Wise Co., VA Pension List.
REEDY, LINVILLE: Co. B. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 183 & 210, PRSWVA. B. 3/14/1843 in Grayson Co., VA. D. 1/5/1923 in Dickenson Co., VA. Lived in Dickenson Co., VA when he entered CSA service. Taken POW in Pike Co., KY on 4/15/63 as part of Co. B, 65th VA Inf., which was being formed by James M. French, sent to Camp Chase, OH. Exch. Postwar farmer and justice of the peace for Buchanan and Dickenson Co. Age 15, farm hand, 1860 Wise Co. Census. B. 3/1843, farmer, per 1900 Dickenson Co., VA Census.
REEDY, WILBORN: Co. B. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Louisville, KY then to Camp Chase, OH on 4/19/63. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 5/13/63. He later served in Co. B, 7th CSA Cav. Battn. Age 19, farm hand, 1860 Wise Co. Census.
REPASS, EILAS: Co. _. Previously served in the VSL and in French's Battn. VA Inf. VSL unit unk., later served in Co. D, French's Bn. VA Inf. Taken POW in Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Camp Chase. 5'7", age 37, blue eyes, dark hair, ruddy comp., paroled and Exch.
REPASS, ELIJAH: Co. _. Previously served in the VSL and in Co. D, French's Bn. VA Inf. Taken POW in Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Camp Chase. 5'6", age 35, grey eyes, red hair, fair comp. Paroled and Exch.
REPASS, WILLIAM G.: Major, F&S, previously served in Co. B, French's Bn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Louisville, KY then to Camp Chase, OH on 4/19/63. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 5/13/63. He previously served as Capt. of Company F, 51st VA Inf. where he enlisted on 6/26/61 at Hixville, VA. He resigned from the 51st on 2/6/63, when he stated a desire to raise a new company. Later served as Major of the 7th Battn. CSA Cav. until court-martialed.
RHINER, DANIEL: Sgt./Brevet 2nd Lt., Co. B. Elected 7/23/64. Previously served in the VSL. Witnessed Ed Hubbard's pension application in 1913, then age 83, living in Wise Co.
RICHARDSON, H.: Co. E. Found on a 3/4/65 list of conscripts identified as members of the 7th Battn. CSA Cav. found in the Guerrant Family Papers. Res. of Wise Co.
ROBERTS, H. B.: Capt, Co. C, See personal papers of. Resigned in A&IGO Letter 76-R-1864, effective 7/29/64. Letter dated 7/17/64 written at Gladeville, VA noted that he was resigning to raise a company of Kentuckians, says company C was made up of Virginians and Kentuckians who were not in harmony with each other. Previously served in the VSL.
ROBERTS, IRA H.: Co. B. Previously served in Co. D, French's Battn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Louisville, KY then to Camp Chase, OH on 4/19/63. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 5/13/63. 5'5", age 14, hazel eyes, black hair, dark comp. Listed as age 16, farm hand, 1860 Wise Co. Census.
ROBERTS, RALEIGH D.: Co. _. Previously served in the VSL and in Co. D, French's Bn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63 sent to Camp Chase, OH. 5'5", age 22, dark eyes, dark hair, dark comp., paroled and Exch.
ROBINETT, HENRY: Co. E. Mentioned as a comrade in John F. Kenady's pension application. Mentioned in Angeline Jordan's pension application in 1913.
ROBINETT, J. C.: Co. E. Mentioned as a comrade in pension application of Covey Holbrook. Res. of Wise Co., VA.
ROBINETT, J. M.: Co. K. B. ca. 1848. Witnessed Sarah McFarland's pension application in 1914, then age 66. Res. of Wise Co., VA.
ROBINSON, JAMES: Co. G, Participated in the 1864 Paintsville raid.
ROBINSON, THOMPSON: Co. G. Pension application filed in Russell Co., claimed to have to served 2 years. Died on 2/1/1887 in Russell Co., VA of typhoid fever.
ROSE, SWINFIELD: Co. _. Previously served in Co. C, 4th VSL. Recollection of Sarah A. Rose p. 324 PRSWVA, who stated that he served in the Union Army, but all details point to service in this company. May have later served in a regular unit, as indicated that he served in the Valley of VA. B. 1/26/1840 D. 7/31/1922.
ROSE, WILLIAM E.: Capt., Co. B. Previously served as Capt. in Co. C, 5th VSL. On T. E. Davis' list of VSL Officers dated 2/28/63. Participated in Menifee's Raid on Piketon, KY in 8/62. Service confirmed by depositions filed in Dils vs. May lawsuit filed in Pike Co., KY Circuit Court in 1866. This company is confusing. From various recollections in PRSWVA it appears some men called it Co. C, 4th VSL, others Co. A, 5th VSL, but these recollections were made by men many years after the fact. The unit designated was obtained from the official roster of officers of the VSL Native of Burke Co., NC.
SAMS, ELIJAH: Co. I. Res. of Church Hill, TN. Mentioned as a comrade in Z. P. Carter's Tennessee Civil War Veterans Questionaire.
SANDERS, ICHABOD B. "BUD": Co. ?. Previously served in the 4th VSL. Participated in Menifee's Raid on Piketon, KY in 8/62. Service confirmed by depositions filed in Dils vs. May lawsuit filed in Pike Co., KY Circuit Court in 1866.
SANDERS, JACOB: 1st Lt., Co. C, Enl. in 1862. Elected 7/23/64. Took oath in 1865. Described as "good, true soldier." Previously served in the VSL. B. 10/27/1842 in Pike Co., KY. Pensioned in Pike Co., KY in 1912. D. 8/6/1922.
SEMONES, A. M.: Co. E. Claimed service in this unit in his pension application filed in Scott Co., VA.
SEMONES, M. H.: Co. B, Enl. in the "summer of 1864". Discharged in 1865, claimed he was at the disbandnig of the company at Christiansburg and that he took the oath at Cumberland Gap. Claimed service in this unit in his pension application filed in Scott Co., VA.
SEXTON, CHARLES W.: Co. C, Enl. in 10/63 on Dump Creek, Russell Co., VA. Born in Russell Co., VA. Filed pension application in Russell Co., VA in 1915, age 67. Mentioned in Henry W. Hurd's pension application. Mentioned in Noah Kiser's widow's pension application.
SHEPARD, EDWARD M.: Asst. Surgeon, F&S. Serving in March 1865.
SHORT, BARTLEY: Co. G. Witnessed Booker Short's pension application in 1912.
SHORT, BOOKER: Lt./Capt., Co. G. Succeeded the notorious Sid Cook in command of Co. G. Disbanded at Salem, VA in 1865. Paroled at Charleston, WV. Previously served in Co. H, 10th KY Inf. (Caudill's). B. 1837 in Russell Co., VA. Pensioned in Menifee Co., KY in 1912.
SHORT, DANIEL W.: Co. B. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA. Age 15, farmer, 1860 Wise Co. Census. On 1909 Wise Co., VA Pension List.
SHORT, HENRY: Co. B. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA. Age 13, 1860 Wise Co. Census.
SHORT, JAMES P.: Co. B. Previously served in Co. D, 21st Battn. VA Inf. where he Enl. on 11/16/61 at Pound Gap. Present 4/16/62. and also served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. Service confirmed by deposition in lawsuit filed by John Dils against Henry May in Pike Co., KY in 1866. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA. Age 21, farmer, 1860 Wise Co. Census.
SHORT, JAMES: 1st Lt., Co. B. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. Participated in Menifee's Raid on Piketon, KY in 8/62. Service confirmed by depositions filed in Dils vs. May lawsuit filed in Pike Co., KY Circuit Court in 1866. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA. He previously served in the 50th VA Inf., was taken POW at Fort Donelson, and joined this command after being Exch.
SHORT, WILLIAM W.: Co. B. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA. Age 17, farm laborer, 1860 Wise Co. Census.
SHORT, WILLIAM: Co. _. Previously served in Co. D, 2nd VSL. and Co. I, 37th VA Inf. Dstd. after 10/62. Later Enl. in Co. G, 10th KY Cav. on 3/28/63 in Buchanan Co., VA. Later served in French's Bn. VA Inf. Taken POW in Lawrence Co., KY, took the oath of allegiance 4/15/64 at Louisville, KY. Fair comp., dark hair, 5'7" "Served a short time and Dstd." On 1909 Buchanan Co. Pension List.
SKEEN, RICHARD L.: Capt., Co. D, See personal papers of. Resigned on 9/23/64, accepted by S.O. 226. Reason given for resignations was the reduced strength of his company caused by desertions in a letter dated 9/6/64 at Abingdon, VA.
SKEENS, ELIHU: Co. H. He enl. in the 64th VA Inf. on 8/18/62 in Wise Co., VA. Joined the 7th Battn. at some unknown point. Claimed service in this unit, serving under Capt. Hager, in his pension application filed in Buchanan Co. in 1925, when he was 88 years old.
SKEENS, HENRY: Co. G, Participated in the 1864 Paintsville raid.
SKEENS, NOAH: Co. G, Res. of Lawrence Co., KY. Took part in the 1864 Paintsville raid.
SLIPP, WILLIAM: Co. E, Listed on register of Louisville Military Prison as having been taken POW at Lidgeworth, VA on 10/2/64. Sent to Camp Chase, OH on 10/22/64.
SMITH, DAVID: 1st Lt., Co. F. Dropped on 3/25/65 in Special Orders 70/6 for prolonged AWOL. Previously served in Co. B, 2nd VSL. PRSWVA. Later served as 1st Lt., Co. F, 7th Bn. CSA Cav. Dropped on 3/25/65 in Special Orders 70/6 for prolonged AWOL. Reported to have served under Menifee by his daughter, Patsy Keel Boggs in 1941, when she was 89. His brothers Elexius and Squire Smith also served in the CSA Army, but it is unclear if they served in the VSL or not. Mentioned on PWR compiled by Noah B. Sutherland on 5/10/1926. B. 8/1832, farmer, 1900 Dickenson Co., VA Census. On 1909 Dickenson Co., VA Pension List.
SMITH, JOHN H.: Co. G, Res. of Morgan Co., KY. Participated in the 1863 raid on Flemingsburg. Formerly served in Fields' Company Kentucky Partisan Rangers.
SMITH, JOHN H.: Co. G (Associate Member), A Member of Fields' Rangers from Carter Co., KY. Taken POW on 10/11/1863 in Greenup Co., KY.
SMITH, JOHN: Co. H, Listed on register of Louisville Military Prison, listed as having been taken POW at Burning Fork, KY on 10/2/1864. Sent to Camp Chase, OH on 10/22/64.
SMITH, WILLIAM: Lt., Co. D. Mentioned as serving in this capacity in Samuel Murray's pension application.
SOWARDS, THOMAS JEFFERSON: Co. A, Taken POW at Gladeville, VA on 7/7/63, sent to Camp Chase, Ohio then to Camp Douglas, Ill. where held until released on 6/16/65. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL. Service confirmed by deposition found in lawsuit filed by John Dils against Henry May in Pike Co., KY in 1866. Later served in Co. A, French's Bn. VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA. Later served in Co. A, 7th Bn. CSA Cav. Taken POW at Gladeville, VA on 7/7/63, sent to Camp Chase, OH then to Camp Douglas, IL, where held until released on 6/16/65. Age 27, farmer, 1860 Wise Co. Census.
SPARKS, HENRY: Co. G, Res. of Johnson Co., KY. Took part in the 1864 Paintsville raid.
STACY, ________: Co. B, Service implied by statement made by George D. French ini 1920.
STALLARD, ANDREW JACKSON: 3rd Lt., Co. ?. Previously served in Co. B, French's Battn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Louisville, KY then to Camp Chase, OH on 4/19/63. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 5/13/63, 5'10", age 23, blue eyes, light hair, fair comp. Age 20, farmer, 1860 Wise Co. Census.
STALLARD, DAVID F.: Co. B. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA.
STALLARD, RALEIGH D.: Co. _. Previously served in the VSL. Took oath in Lawrence Co. KY in 5/64, Res. of Scott Co., VA.
STANDIFER, JOHN F.: Co. B. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA. Age 29, farmer, 1860 Wise Co. Census.
STANLEY, JOHN: Co. F. Paroled at Charleston, WV on 5/10/65, then age 22, 5'8", brown hair, fair comp., brown eyes, farmer. Res. of Boone Co., WV. Previously served in the VSL.
STANLY, H. G.: Co. I. Claimed service in this unit in his pension application filed in Scott Co., VA.
STARNES, GEORGE W.: Co. I. Claimed service in this unit in his pension application filed in Scott Co., VA.
STARNES, HIRAM K.: Co. I. Claimed service in this unit in his pension application filed in Scott Co., VA.
STENBAUGH, J. D.: 2nd Lt., Co. A, Dropped on 3/25/65 in Special Orders 70/6 for prolonged AWOL. Previously served in the VSL.
STEWARD, ABRAM: Co. A. Previously served in Co. C, French's Battn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Louisville, KY then to Camp Chase, OH on 4/19/63. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 5/13/63. 5'8", age 18, blue eyes, light hair, light comp.
STEWART, JAMES A.: Co. I. Mentioned as a comrade of William W. Berry in his pension application, claimed service in this organization in his own pension application.
STEWART, JAMES: Co. I. Service claimed in affidavits filed with pension application of James H. Hall.
STIDHAM, PRESTON L.: Co. K, Enl. in 3/64. B. 1847 in Smyth Co., VA. Pensioned in Breathitt Co., KY in 1912. Died there on 5/16/1913.
STINSON, J. H.: Co. G, Witnessed Hiram Davis' pension application in Morgan Co., KY in 1919.
STINSON, ROBERT: Co. H. Widow Margaret ciled pension application in Russell Co., VA. Veteran died on 5/8/1908 in Russell Co.
STURGILL, MATHIAS: Co. A, Taken POW at Gladeville on 7/7/63. Sent to Kemper Barracks, Ohio and then on 6/24/63 to Camp Douglas where held until transferred to Point Lookout. Exchanged on 3/2/65. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in 29th VA Inf. Service confirmed by deposition found in lawsuit filed by John Dils against Henry May in Pike Co., KY in 1866. Also served in Co. A, French's Bn. VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA. Age 19, farm hand, 1860 Wise Co. Census. Bro. of Samuel.
STURGILL, SAMUEL: Co. B. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. Service confirmed by deposition found in lawsuit filed by John Dils against Henry May in Pike Co., KY in 1866. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA. Age 18, farm hand, 1860 Wise Co. Census.
STURMBAUGH, ALEXANDER: Co. _. Previously served in the VSL and in French's Bn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Camp Chase, the to Fort Delaware on 7/12/63. 5'6", age 21, blue eyes, light hair, light comp., sent to Fort Delaware, 7/12/63. Ultimate disposition unk.
SUTHERLAND, ELIJAH: Co. H. Filed for pension in Russell Co., VA in 1905, age 77. Claimed to have suffered from exposure, measles and mumps during service.
SUTHERLAND, JESSE: Co. H. Previously served in the VSL, but apparently served based on statement of his widow, Mahala Kiser Sutherland, p. 389, PRSWVA.
SUTHERLAND, WILLIAM H.: Co. H. Mentioned in pension application of Wilburn Hale and Elijah Sutherland.
SYKES, NOAH: Co. ?, 7th Bn. CSA Cav. Dstd. at some point, paroled at Louisville, KY on 4/2/65. Black hair, dark comp., grey eyes, 6', Res. of Buchanan Co., VA. Age 29, farmer, 1860 Buchanan Co., VA Census. Previously served in the VSL.
SYKES, NOAH: Co. ?. Deserted at some point, paroled at Louisville, Ky. on 4/2/65. Black hair, dark comp., grey eyes, 6', Res. of Buchanan Co., VA.
SYKES, ROBERT "BOB": Co._. Previously served in the VSL, PRSWVA, brother of Noah, and Newbern Sykes, bro. in law of Lewis Arrington.
TAYLOR, FRANK: Co. _, Previously served in the 5th VSL. Participated in Menifee's Raid on Piketon, KY in 8/62. Service confirmed by depositions filed in Dils vs. May lawsuit, Pike Co., KY Circuit Court in 1866. Recollection of Solomon Mullins, p. 248, PRSWVA.
THOMPSON, ANDERSON LINDSEY: Co. G (Associate Member), A Member of Co. D, 2nd KY Mounted Rifles from Lawrence Co. Operated with Cook's men in Boyd Co. in 1864.
THOMPSON, FLEMMING: Co. G (Associate Member), A Member of Co. D, 2nd KY Mounted Rifles from Lawrence Co., KY. Operated with Cook's men in Boyd Co. in 1864.
TILLER, EVAN: Co. D. Previously served as Captain of Co. D, French's Bn. VA Inf. Taken POW on 4/15/63 in Pike Co., KY, sent to Camp Chase, OH. 5'10", age 30, hazel eyes, light hair, ruddy comp. Paroled and Exch.
TOLBERT, J. T.: Co. ?. Found on a 3/4/65 list of conscripts identified as members of the 7th Battn. CSA Cav. found in the Guerrant Family Papers. Res. of Wise Co.
TURNER, WILSON: Co. H. Claimed to have served 3 years. Filed pension application in Russell Co. in 1904, age 62. Born in Russell Co. ca. 1842. D. 12/11/1909 in Russell Co. Mentioned in George W. Hicks' pension application.
VANOVER, ELIJAH: Co. B. Previously served in Co. D, French's Bn. VA Inf. Taken POW at Piketon, KY on 4/15/63, sent to Camp Chase, OH. 6'5", age 23, blue eyes, dark hair, fair comp., paroled and Exch.
VANOVER, WILLIAM: Co. B. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. Service confirmed by deposition found in lawsuit filed by John Dils against Henry May in Pike Co., KY in 1866.
WADDELL, JEFFERSON: Co. A. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA. Taken POW at Gladeville on 7/7/63. Sent to Kemper Barracks, OH and then on 6/24/63 to Camp Douglas, IL. Transf. to Point Lookout, MD for exchange on 3/2/65. Age 31, farmer, 1860 Wise Co. Census. Name erroneously rendered Wardell in some records.
WALLING, JAMES KNOX POLK: Capt., Co. F. Service implied by pension application of Henry Hale.
WEDDINGTON, HARVEY B.: Co. G, Res. of Morgan Co., KY. Deserter from Co. M, 10th Kentucky Cavalry. Witnessed William P. Adkins' pension application in 1912.
WETZEL, JAMES: Co. I. Mentioned as a comrade by Thomas J. McConnell in his Tennessee Civil War Veterans Questionaire. Res. of Surgoinsville, TN.
WHEATLEY, W. H.: Co. E. Claimed service in this unit in the pension application he filed in Scott Co.
WHITAKER, WILLIAM: Co. A, Found on a 3/4/65 list of conscripts identified as members of the 7th Battn. CSA Cav. found in the Guerrant Family Papers. Res. of Wise Co.
WHITE, JOHN: Co. B. Previously served in Co. C, 5th VSL and in Co. A, French's Battn. VA Inf. PWR of James Harvey Long, p. 210, PRSWVA. Age 14, 1860 Wise Co. Census.
WILLIAMS, MASTIN H.: Co. I. Claimed service in this unit in the pension application he filed in Scott Co.
WILSON, THOMAS: Co. B. Listed on register of Louisville Military Prison, listed as having been taken POW on 10/2/1864.
WISE, JOHN PERRY: Co. A. Mentioned in Ed Hubbard's pension application. Res. of Wise Co., VA.
WOLF, MOSES: Co. H. Mentioned in Wilburn Hale's pension application.
WOLF, WILLIAM: Co. I. Found on a 3/4/65 list of conscripts identified as members of the 7th Battn. CSA Cav. found in the Guerrant Family Papers. Res. of Wise Co.
WRIGHT, JOHN "DEVIL JOHN": Co. _. Previously served as a member of the VSL. Mentioned on p. 20, PRSWVA recollections of David W. Austin, and may have a member of the VSL, and recalled: "John Wright went into the war about the middle of it. He joined the Rebels and served with them the rest of the war. The first man he killed was Little Rube Potter. Potter had been in the army and heard his family was starving and had no shoes to wear during the winter. So he came home without leave, and the guard was sent after him. John was a member of the guard. When they got near Potter's home, Potter saw them coming and knew they were after him. He was making home-made shoes for his children. He jumped up and tried to get away. But as he jumped the fence near the house, John Wright shot him and he died from the wound. John killed alot of other men, but I don't think he was ever punished for any of the killings. John Wright married or lived with several women...."
WRIGHT, WILLIAM W.: Co. G (Associate Member), A member of Co. D, 2nd KY Mounted Rifles from Lawrence Co. Taken POW on 10/11/1863 in Greenup Co., KY.
Pension records of the Commonwealth of Virginia
Pension records of the Commonwealth of Kentucky
Records Group 109, Records of Soldiers Recruited Directly by the Confederate Government, 7th Battalion Confederate Cavalry